Chapter 8

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My eyelids fluttered open slowly as I woke. I felt a bit better this morning, although my throat was still raw and scratchy and my joints ached painfully even though I wasn't moving them. Although, I could tell that my fever had gone down, as I didn't feel as cold as the night before. In fact, I felt warm. A little bit too warm.

My senses jumped to life a I registered the heavy arm that rested across my waist, a veiny hand hanging limply at the end of it. The weight of it pressed me into the mattress a bit and I scrunched up the back of my neck at the weird sensation of the warm breath that blew against it. 

I knew who was behind me, the sparks that flew throughout every cell of my body told me everything I needed to know, but for some reason I couldn't find it within me to pull away from his loose hold. I couldn't even remember how or when I'd fallen asleep last night, which shocked me considering I was used to waking up shaken over the terrors that came alive during my restless dreams. But this time my mind was peacefully blank as I slept, my only memories before waking up this morning being Corey's voice. 

'I think it is nice. It fits you.'

My heart pounded as the dusty, new feeling that was resurrected in my mind yesterday popped back up, and I found myself smiling at the faint, unfamiliar sensation of happiness.

It had been so long. I couldn't believe that someone actually liked my name. 

"Jax..." I tried it out on my tongue, whispering it underneath my breath, still unable the shake its weird sense of unfamiliarity. However, at the same time I filled with pride at the sound of it. I felt in my soul that it was the name that was meant for me, opposed to the last name that had been forced on me from a young age, the use of it meant to anesthetize me against forming true connections with others.

My eyes flickered down as the veiny hand twitched, coming to life at the sound of my quiet whisper. I would never get used to how easily Corey was woken up. That warrior training must really be intense to fuck with their brain that much. 

"You're awake." 

Corey's morning voice was even deeper than his normal one, if that was even possible. I jumped at the sound, pushing his arm off of me abruptly and sitting up, ignoring the slight spin of the room at my sudden movement. 

"No shit, Sherlock." I grumbled out, reverting back to my typical, sarcastic self as I slid off of the bed. I was in desperate need of a shower, I knew I probably smelled terrible due to all of the sweating I'd been doing over the past few days. I started towards my en-suite, but winced as I felt a painful tug in my chest. This tether, or whatever the fuck it was called, was really getting on my damn nerves. 

I took a few steps backwards to ease the strain before turning around. By the ghost of a painful expression on Corey's face as he sat up in bed, I could tell he felt the tug as well. Although I was still apprehensive, I didn't want to push it as I had already caused the man more pain than he deserved. So, for once in my life, I swallowed my pride.

"I stink. I need to shower. Can you just... sit on the toilet or something while I'm in there? I'll make it quick." I asked politely, although I stared at my feet as I couldn't find it in me to meet his eyes. I wasn't used to asking someone for something so nicely, without a hint of sarcasm or bite in my tone, but for some reason I felt like I couldn't be mean to him anymore. Not after he said he liked my name. My eyes flickered up at the sound of my bed creaking with his weight as he slid out of it, immediately widening at the sight before me. 

He must have taken off his shirt during the night, as his sinewy muscles were on full display as he stood tall. His impossibly broad shoulders, abs and pecs were sculpted to perfection as if he was some kind of Herculean God. My mouth involuntarily began to water as I recalled the times when my tongue had traveled along all of dips and contours between each of his abs as I made my way down his body...

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