Chapter 1

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Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with Sirens are on their second headlining world tour together. Both bands have just released new albums and are exhausted from the constant touring, interviews, and writing.

*Kellin's POV*
Another day on tour. Atlanta wore us out. I just might be getting too old for this. Me and the rest of my band were heading back to our bus, ready to relax.
I was the last to get on the bus because some girls somehow got to where our buses were. Kind of annoying, but it was only a few, so I took pictures with them and signed their CD's.
When I got on, everyone was already relaxing and talking. Justin was on the phone with his girlfriend, but everyone else was just hanging. I sat down with them. Gabe looked at me and laughed. "Kellin, did you see that sign that fan had?" I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone. Of course I saw it. "Some of these kids are crazy, man." Jack said, sipping at a beer. I opened twitter and literally the first thing I saw was a picture someone tweeted me. It was from tonight, and Vic and I had our arms around eachother. The caption: KELLIC! Who even comes up with these names? Yes, I know about Kellic. I never talk about it because I'm fucking married. My phone buzzed, Katelynne had texted me.

Hey baby, how did Atlanta treat you?

Just fine. A little tired.

We miss you.

I miss you too.

I stared at my phone for a minute. That was a lie. I missed my kids, of course. Copeland meant more to me than anything. But Katelynne and I had been in a rough patch, and the worst part of it all was that she never wanted to act like anything was wrong. I love her, but sometimes she seems too perfect. We never argue, she's never unhappy.. It's almost fake.
Time for sleep.

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