Chapter 3

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*Kellin's POV*
Vic is being intrusive again. Ah, well. Guess he's being a good friend.
I couldn't tell him what was really going on. I couldn't even tell my sister. I didn't even exactly have a problem.
But.. something about sitting across from a friend you've been through hell and victories with, who you know you can trust..
"My wife and I are having problems."
God fucking damnit.
Vic looked concerned. "Oh no, what kind of problems?" I laughed nervously. "Well, that's the thing. We don't have any problems." Vic looked even more concerned. "Kellin..? How is that..?" "Look, I love her, it's just.. things seem to be.. uncomfortably positive. We never argue. She agrees with whatever I say. She never seems to have a bad day. And you know, women have their.. emotions. They're supposed to. I just feel fake, I guess. No clue why it took so long to see." Vic listened attentively. "I mean, we had a kid, man. I married her. It's not like high school, I can't just 'break it off' and go find some other girl who wants my money." Vic gave me a strange look. What did I just say? I'd never even thought anything like that before. And I definitely never thought about ending anything. Vic's face went back to looking concerned. "Well, man, I wish I knew how to help you. Just know I support you." He pulled me into a hug. "Thanks." He scooted back a bit. "Remember.. uh.."
Oh, shit. I forgot about his ex.
"Shit, Vic, my bad." He shook his head. "It's cool man, I'm getting over her. But I guess that was a similar situation. So I'll try and be here for you, no matter what happens. Alright?" I smiled. "Thanks. Really." He smiled and we were quiet for a moment. Something cold touched my knee. "Come on." Vic was handing me a beer. "Let's enjoy being rockstars."
We did just that.
We partied all night, and I barely remember anything else.

~The next morning~

I woke up with a pounding in my head. After a quick look around, I saw that I was on my bus, in Jack's bunk. Justin was laying next to me, and Mike, Gabe, Jaime, Tony, and Jack were sprawled out on the other bunks. The place was pretty trashed. I smiled to myself.
Last night must have been fun.
I snoozed a bit longer, but then woke up to the sound of the bus shower. For such a tiny thing, it made a lot of noise. "Who is that?" I whispered groggily to myself. I stretched, crawled out of the bunk and stumbled to the bathroom. The door was partially open.
Shit, were we so drunk we left it running?
I opened the door and it was Vic inside, showering. He stared at me, not moving.
He was entirely naked.
I unintentionally stared back. "Shit." I said. "Sorry." "It's okay." he said, not moving. We stood there a moment in silence. Vic cleared his throat. "Oh!" I yelled, and stepped out and closed the door.
Why was I so mesmerized? I'd seen tons of guys naked before.
But his muscular arms, his slender body, his sexy hairy chest.. they were stuck in my mind. And.. for such a short guy, he was, well.. wow. I'm just going to stop right there.
I just laughed at myself. God, I'm so hungover.
I fell back into the bunk with Justin and went back to sleep.

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