Chapter 15

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☆★sexual content warning★☆

*Kellin's POV*

"We should go out." Vic said as he clicked the remote, turning off the T.V. I groaned, making him laugh. "We've been watching Netflix all day!" I groaned even louder and as dramatically as I could. "But I liiike Netflix." I whined. He stood up. "Get up. We're going to go do something." My body slumped into the couch, being unresponsive. The mexican boy suddenly scooped me up, clearly frustrated. I just pretended to fall asleep in his arms, aggravating him further. "You lazy piece of shit!" he sighed, putting me back down. He went to use the bathroom, and I put in my headphones, quickly dozing off.

*Vic's POV*

I swear, I have the laziest boyfriend on the face of the Earth. I went to the bathroom to fix my hair, expecting Kellin to be just playing around and actually want to go out. Instead, when I returned, he was asleep on the couch with his headphones in. That pushed me over the edge. Tiptoeing over to him, I grabbed his ipod and turned the volume all the way up. He jumped probably 10 feet in the air and ripped his headphones out, glaring at me immediately. "What the fuck, Vic?!" he yelled, lunging at me. He knocked me back onto the ground, landing on top of me. I rolled over so that I was on top of him, being the stronger one. He helplessly punched at me, not hurting me at all. "You stupid fucking mexican." he whined. I loosened my grip a bit and laughed. He took advantage and rolled us over again, but I quickly pushed him off me and stood up, running for the back door. He tackled me and we landed with a thud. We could hardly hold back our laughter. "Kellin, stop! We'll wake everyone up!" I said, giggling uncontrollably. "I don't care!" the skinny boy shouted, continuing to throw his weak punches at me. "It's half of the fun to see you throw the first punch!" I sang through my laughter. We both collapsed on the floor, exhausted and still laughing although out of breath. However we stopped abruptly when mama and papa came rushing down the stairs, followed by Mike. "Qué estás haciendo?!" Papa demanded.
"Lo sentimos, papá, sólo estábamos jugando."
"Nos despertó!" mama yelled.
"Lo siento mucho." I replied apologetically. "Kellin y yo vamos a salir. No vamos a molestar tu otra vez."
Mama sighed and walked back up the stairs to her room, followed by papa. Kellin looked at me, clearly confused. I chuckled. "Where are you guys going?" Mike asked from the stairs. I smiled at Kellin. "Don't know yet." He whined again. "I don't wanna go out." "Fine, Mike and I will go out, and you can sit your lazy ass on the couch and watch Supernatural all night." Mike laughed. "You wish." he said, going back up to his room. Kellin grinned at me and I rolled my eyes. "Please, Kells. Let's go do something. Let's at least go for a walk. Seriously, San Diego is beautiful at night." This obviously sounded good to Kellin, and he nodded, motioning for me to carry him again. "Lazy ass." I whispered, picking him up and carrying him outside.

*Kellin's POV*

I guess Vic got tired of carrying my once we reached the end of his driveway, because he set me down gently and took my hand, intertwining our fingers. We walked slowly, not saying anything. I breathed in deeply. "You were right, this is nice." It was warm and slightly humid, much different from the Oregon weather I was used to. There was a slight breeze and I could smell the beach. Vic didn't relpy, he just smiled. We continued our walk until we actually reached the beach. "Shit, Vic, I didn't know you lived this close!" He smiled and picked me up again, carrying me through the sand all the way to the water.
Then he threw me in.
"WHAT. THE. FUCK?" I yelled. This was supposed to be romantic or something. Vic just laughed, pleased with himself. I ran up to him, splashing water all over the place and pulled him to the deeper part, dunking him under. He quickly came back up for air. "Oh, you're gonna get it this time you little.." we fought in the water for a while like children, enjoying ourselves. We eventually got tired and retreated back to the shore, sitting in the sand. He put his arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his chest. Vic chuckled. "We're both super wet." "You don't say." I relpied sarcastically. He pushed me off of him, making us both laugh more. "You know." I said. He looked at me expectantly. "I don't think I've ever laughed as much as when I'm with you." he smiled and gave me a short, salty kiss. We pulled away and I admired the gorgeous boy. In the moonlight he was somehow even more beautiful. His eyes shone and his wavy hair dripped onto his tanktop, which was now nearly transparent. Absentmindedly, I bit my lip, and he looked at me knowingly. He was kissing me again, until the salty taste was gone and our tongues fought and it grew deeper and more passionate. He whispered my name into my mouth and slowly brought his hand to my soaking wet jeans. I slowly leaned back, propped up on my elbows and he got on top of me, bringing his legs to straddle me. His hand moved back up to my chest inside my shirt, and back down. I tugged at his shirt, wanting it gone. He pulled it off, and I immediately brought my fingers to his bare chest. They traced over his beautiful abdomen and over his curly little chest hairs that I couldn't get enough of. He smiled into the kiss and continued his hand down into my jeans. He gently rubbed my newly formed erection, causing me to moan involuntary. I wanted to keep quiet, considering this was a public place. He kissed my neck and quickened his pace. Now I was whimpering and moaning loudly as my body demanded more.
"Wow." a voice said, followed by giggles. I quickly looked behind us to see a group of teenagers. We quickly got up and Vic pulled his shirt on, blushing furiously. "Jesus Christ." he mumbled, grabbing my hand and leading me away quickly. "Well, that was embarrassing." I whispered, stealing one more glance back at the group of kids who were still laughing.

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