Chapter 18

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*Vic's POV*

Finally, I was going home.
Although I'd already been "home" (meaning San Diego) and my house was close to my parents' I missed being somewhere that was actually mine. Kellin came along of course, since it had only been 4 days and he still wasn't ready to face Katelynne. And I wasn't about to let my boyfriend stay at some cheap hotel down the street. I laughed at my own joke and Kellin poked me. "What are you laughing at?" "Oh, nothing." He rolled his eyes and leaned against the door of my truck, looking out the window. "I love it here." he murmured.
Soon we were pulling into my driveway and Kellin excitedly sat up. "This is your place?" he asked, not taking his eyes off it. "Yeah. It isn't much, but yeah."
My house is pretty small, but Kellin didn't seem to mind. I held the door for him and he immediately started snooping around. "Cozy!" he exclaimed like a cheesy commercial speaker. "Oh my god, that couch looks so comfortable- ahh." He sank into my big leather couch. I laughed at him, dropping my bags and jumping on the couch with him. "Get off of me you fat mexican!" he screamed. I rolled over on top of him, making him scream louder. "Shut up!" I yelled, laughing. "The neighbors will call the cops!" He punched me and I rolled on the floor, giving him the idea to jump on me and attack me with tickles. "Nice try, Kells. But we all know who the ticklish one is here!" I flipped him over and countertickled him. He screamed even louder, so to quiet him down I kissed him. The skinny boy beneath me giggled into the kiss until I stopped and brought my hands to cup his face. I pulled away, still on top of him. "Want a tour?" I asked. He smiled and nodded, so I got up, helping him up too.
"This here is the living room obviously. The kitchen is right here." I led him into my small kitchen. "Aww." Kellin whispered. "This is so cute." I shrugged. "My mom decorated it. The laundry room and dining room are right over there. And back through the living room and over here is the bathroom." Kellin popped his head in. "Wow, people really pee in there?" he asked in mock surprise. "Oh, shut up. Back there is the back porch. Not much to look at." I led him out my back door, showing it to him. It was really just a few chairs around a table, and my yard definitely needed trimming. "I'm gonna mow the lawn sometime. Like, god." Kellin chuckled.
I led him up the stairs and showed him my room, my bathroom, and my 'music room.' That was definitely his favorite. He looked around in wonder. "You've got so many guitars, I'd almost think you were in a band!" I punched him playfully. "What's with all the sarcasm?" He laughed. "Dunno, just feeling it today."
We went back to my room and I collapsed on my bed. Kellin collapsed next to me. "This is nice." he said, muffled by the pillow. I sat up. "Thanks, Kellin. You can definitely stay here as long as you need to." He sat up too, suddenly looking sad. "Something bothering you?" I asked, now concerned. "Copeland." he said softly. I wasn't sure what to say to that. "Hey." I said finally. "Maybe Katelynne will let you Skype her, like you do on tour." He thought for a moment. "Worth a try." He went and retrieved his laptop from his suitcase and opened it, going to Skype and messaging Katelynne.

kellin.bostwick69: Hey, Katelynne. I was wondering if I could Skype Copeland. It would mean alot.

She messaged back really quickly.

♡katelynne♡: One second.

We waited a couple of minutes and she called. Kellin answered it, disappointed to only see Katelynne.
"Oh, hey Kate.. Can I see Copeland?" She frowned. "Where are you?"
"I'm at Vic's house."
"Are you two together? That's what I heard."
"Katelynne, let's not do this. I want to see my daughter."
"I asked you a question. We're going to talk right now whether you want to or not. If you want to see her, that is." Kellin sighed.
"Please don't use her as a weapon."
"Answer my question."
"Yes, Katelynne. Vic and I are together now. Any more questions?"
"Since when are you gay? You seemed to like my-"
"Katelynne! I want to see Cope!"
"Where's Vic? I want to talk to him." I scooted next to Kellin, but the look he gave me told me he didn't want me to.
"You! Husband stealer!" she growled.
"Katelynne, I'm sorry how things turned out. But you need to let Kellin see his daughter." I reasoned. "It's not right to keep her from him."
She sighed and left for a moment. When she returned, little Copeland was in her lap. Kellins face immediately lit up and he had a huge smile on his face. He reached out and touched the computer screen. "Hi, baby girl." he uttered. She smiled back. "Daddy!" she yelled happily, reaching for the camera. Kellin looked like he was going to cry, so I put my arm around him. Katelynne gasped and covered the toddler's eyes. "Don't do that in front of her!" she hissed. "Jesus christ, Kate. Let me talk to her. She rolled her eyes and removed her hand.
The two of them talked a bit, Copeland telling him things like how she found a caterpillar and that she learned a new song at daycare. She sung it for him and tears welled up in his eyes. "Alright, I have a hair appointment in 20 minutes. Say bye to daddy." Katelynne suddenly said. Copeland waved and she quickly turned off the camera. Kellin slammed the laptop shut. "She's being such a bitch." he growled. I rubbed his back reassuringly. He looked at me. "I'm going to get custody of her." I guess that was expected, but it threw me off. "I'll stay tonight, but I'm going to leave tomorrow." My stomach fell. "When will I see you again?" He sighed, then brightened up suddenly. "Come with me!" he offered. "Where will we stay?" "Dunno. But come with me, please?" I sighed. I had only just gotten home, and now I was leaving again. "Alright. But just because I don't want to be away from you that long." He practically squealed and attacked me with a hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!" He kissed all over my face. I smiled and pulled him into a real kiss.
"We'll get Copeland back."

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