Chapter 5

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*Kellin's POV*

I followed Vic out of the bus and we walked the streets of Charlotte for a while, and ended up at a pizza place. We sat down inside and ordered a supreme pizza. While we waited, it was hard to look at him. "Kellin, you okay?" he asked, laughing. "You're acting weird." "I'm fine! Just have to pee." I got up and tripped over the leg of the table. Vic quickly stood up. "You okay man?" I mumbled a "yeah" and walked to the bathroom. I felt my face getting redder with each step.
I looked in the mirror and splashed some cold water in my face. "Get it together, man." I told myself. Some older guy walked out of a stall and looked at me weird. When he left, I tried splashing some more water. "Stop. Thinking. About. Vic!" I growled to myself, pulling my hair. At that moment the door opened. Vic took one look at me and quickly grabbed my shoulders and pulled me next to him on a bench. Fancy place, benches in bathrooms. "Kellin. Talk to me." I realized how crazy I probably looked, my hair was wet, my face was red, and even my shirt got wet. "Kellin." I looked at him. "I don't know, man. What's wrong with me?" He frowned. "Nothing. I mean, maybe you're cocky sometimes, but.." I punched him. He laughed softly and put his hand on my shoulder. "Something isn't right with you. Tell me about it, okay? You can trust me." I looked into his big brown eyes. I knew I could.
"It's Katelynne. I don't know. I've been thinking, and we've just grown so far apart." He nodded.
Tears started, for no apparent reason. "Shit." I whispered, wiping my eyes quickly. "Seems like you really love her." He said, sadly. "Yeah.."
Another lie.
"You need to talk to her, alright?" I nodded. He looked so truly concerned. Vic was seriously the best guy I knew. I grabbed his hand.
Why did I do that?
He looked a little surprised, but understood I was upset and squeezed my hand. He pulled me into a guy hug, which I turned into a real hug. I buried my face in his neck, and he rubbed my back, contrary to the usual pat. He smelled like that irish soap and coconuts. I pulled away before it got too weird, and we just kind of stared at eachother for a moment.
"So.." Vic coughed and stood up. "Call her, alright?" He pulled my phone out of my pocket and put it in my lap. Then he left. I was alone again.

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