Chapter 16

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This is a sad chapter that could be triggering. I've put a summary at the end so that you don't have to read it if you don't want to, and nobody will be lost later in the story. :)

*Vic's POV*

"We always get interrupted, don't we?" Kellin said chuckling as we neared my parent's house. I shrugged. We were leaving the next day anyway. Not that my parents wouldn't let us stay forever, I just wanted to go home. He pulled me closer to him. "I love your family."
"I think I'm going to tell them tomorrow."
His bright green orbs widened. "Really?" I kissed his forehead.
"Of course."

It was morning again. Last night was warm, so Kellin and I were really sweaty. I basically peeled myself off of him. "Gross." I said under my breath, realizing I didn't smell too pleasant. Of course Kellin smelled fine. He was one of those people who never really smelled bad. "Morning, baby." he whispered through a smile. "You look really sexy all sweaty." I punched him playfully as I stood up and headed for the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a shower." "Let me come!" he said, jumping up happily and following me. My stomach fell. "No, Kellin." I said. He pouted. "Come on, Vic, I mean we're dating and-"
I walked inside the bathroom and shut the door behind me.
Why did I do that?
I panicked. Now my boyfriend was probably upset. Why did the thought of showering with Kellin scare me? He'd already seen me naked once, on the bus. But that was different somehow. It was through the glass of the shower, which was kind of foggy anyway. And I had never seen him naked, so maybe just the thought of us both being naked together was what scared me. But why?
My shower went quickly and as I went back into my bedroom and let Kellin know he could go, he walked past me without saying anything. Ouch. I laid back on top of the bed and sighed. Why was I so scared?

"Come on, Victor." my uncle said, pulling me closer to him and stengthening his grip on my wrist. It hurt a lot. "Stop trying to leave." I was crying now, wanting to run away and find my aunt. He felt up the outside of my shorts, making me cry harder, and causing him to slap me in an attempt to shut me up. As he hushed me his hand entered my shorts. I screamed and he got on top of me, putting his hand over my mouth. He pulled off his jeans and..

"Vic." a familiar soft voice said. "We're all out of- Vic?" I realized I was crying. Kellin suddenly touched my hand. "What is it, baby?" My whole body began to shake as I sobbed harder. Trying to hold it in failed. Kellin laid next to me, squeezing me tightly as I cried into him, choking and shaking. He played with my hair and sang to me as I quieted down.

"Stay for tonight, if you want to, I could show you, what my dreams are made of, as I'm dreaming of your face. I've been away for a long time, such a long time, and I miss you there. I can't imagine being anywhere else.. I can't imagine being anywhere else but here.."

His voice trailed off and I had calmed down considerably. I finished him off, my voice a bit raspy.

"How the hell did you ever pick me? honestly, 'cause I could sing you a song but I don't think words could express your beauty.."

He kissed my forehead. "Baby, what's wrong?" I closed my eyes and wiped my eyes. "Nothing.. I mean, not nothing. But I can't tell you."
"You have to tell me, Vic."
"I can't.."
"I love you, and I'm worried about you. You have to tell me."
"You'll look at me differently.. and nobody knows except Mike. Please, Kellin. Don't make me tell you."
"I deserve to know." he said, frowning. We were silent for a while.
"It's just a childhood memory that came back."
His jade eyes widened. "Oh, god. I'm sorry." I smiled sadly. "It's okay. I guess you do deserve to know."
I took a deep breath and told him everything.
When I finished, he just hugged me.
"How old were you?" he whispered after a while.
He squeezed my hand.
"You weren't.. well.."
"No. He didn't rape me. He just.. did all of those other things."
"Why didn't you tell anyone?"
Unintentionally, I started crying again, only tears wouldn't come. It was as if I'd run out.
"I told Mike a few years later, but I made him swear to never tell. I didn't want any.. you know.. family issues."
"Do you still see him?"
"I avoid him. He might think I forgot. I don't know.. but my whole family loves him except for me and Mike, so if I told anyone it would just be a disaster."
He nodded, seeming to understand. " that why you seem uncomfortable?" I nodded. "And probably why I avoided my sexuality for so long." "I'm so sorry." I pecked his lips. "It's not your fault. I'm glad you took it well."
He showered and we went downstairs together, ready to tell my parents about us.


Vic and Kellin went back home, and Vic wants to go back to his house the next day. Vic tells Kellin he's going to tell his parents about them. They wake up the next morning and Kellin asks to shower with Vic and he panics and says no, not knowing why. He later has a flashback of being molested by his uncle. He tells Kellin and he comforts him. Currently, they are going downstairs to tell Vic's parents that they are a couple.

Thank you for reading this, by the way! ♥

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