Chapter 4

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*Vic's POV*

Well. That was weird. I finished my shower and walked out into the trashed bus to see everyone still passed out. I went back to my bus for some clean clothes, and played some video games for a while. I expected everyone to be up by then, so I walked back over.
They were still passed out.
"Fucking lightweights!" I yelled. Everyone jumped. "Come on, we have a show in 4 hours, guys! Charlotte! Woo!"
Justin said something I'd rather not repeat, and the rest of them went right back to sleep.
I grabbed my guitar and plugged it in. I played with the volume up until they all got up (pissed off, of course) and got off the bus to go get some food. Pleased with myself, I put the guitar away and was about to join them when I noticed a person-sized blanket pile on one of the bunks. "You've got to be kidding me. I pulled the blankets off. It was (who else?) Kellin, in his boxers. "Kellin!" I yelled. "Fuck!" He yelled back, getting up and stretching. What time is it?" "4 hours to showtime, baby." He looked annoyed, then for some reason embarrassed. His face turned red. "Sorry about earlier, dude.." he nervously fixed his hair. "Earlier... oh! No problem!" I laughed and slapped him in the back. "Let's go get some Taco Bell or something. I'm hungry as hell." He looked even more embarrassed, which wasn't like him. He followed me anyway, though.

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