Chapter 12

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*No POV*

"Psst." Mike whispered, poking at the boys, who were cuddled up together, entangled messily. Vic was the first to wake. "What.. what is it, Mike?" he asked sheepishly. "Mama and Papa will be up soon. Might want to get up."
Vic opened his eyes and looked at the beautiful boy in his arms and couldn't help but smile. He nodded at Mike appreciatively, who went to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. Bringing his attention back to Kellin, he kissed his forehead and played with his long, messy bed hair. "Kells.." he sang softly. Kellin just snuggled closer to Vic. "Kellin Quinn Bostwick." he said a bit louder. Still nothing. "Babe!" Kellin immediately opened his eyes and looked up at Vic, a wide grin on his face. "You called me babe." He whispered, pecking him on the lips. Vic laughed and sat up, pulling Kellin into his lap and wrapping the blanket around him. "Want some breakfast, morning breath?" he teased. Kellin frownedo. "I do not have morning breath!" He quickly breathed into his hand to check. "Maybe a little. Shit." He sprung from Vics lap and sprinted to the bathroom, causing the Mexican boy a fit of laughter. He folded the blanket they'd slept with and fixed the couch cushions, then sat back down and waited for his boyfriend. He smiled at that thought: boyfriend.
Kellin came back with his hair styled perfectly and a fresh set of clothes. Victor whistled as he walked in, making him laugh as he sat next to the gorgeous tan boy, wrapping his arms around him. "God, your arms are so sexy." Kellin said, gigglingp. Vic chuckled. "I try." he flexed, causing Kellin to giggle more. "Do I still have morning breath?" He asked flirtatiously. Vic grinned. "I'll check for you." He leaned over and kissed Kellin's soft lips. It quickly became deep, and the boys explored one another, seperating their lips further. Kellin thought to himself how warm Vics lips were, it was as if they were meant for eachother, the way they worked together perfectly. Vic was a very good kisser. It lasted long enough to leave both boys breathless, and they stopped just in time. Mike reentered and jumped next to the couple on the couch, holding a plate of enchiladas. "Enchiladas aren't breakfast food." Kellin said, laughing. Both Fuentes brothers turned to look at him. "In this house it is." Mike said, stuffing his mouth with a bigger bite than he looked like he could take. "Have your leftovers, I'm waiting for mama to make some huevos rancheros." Vic retorted, lightly punching him. "Suit yourself. I'm hungry now." Mike said with his mouth full. Just then, Mrs. Fuentes walked down the steps in a long pink nightgown. "Good morning baby boys." She said sweetly. "Good morning mama." both brothers said in unison. "Michael!" she snapped when her eyes went to Mike. "I was going to make breakfast!" she grabbed a newspaper off the coffee table, rolled it up and hit him on the head with it. Kellin laughed his ass off until the small lady came over and hit him too. "Silly boys." she said, smiling and shaking her head. She looked at Kellin and Vic. "Huevos rancheros?" The latter stood up excitedly. "Yes please!" He grabbed Kellin and pulled him into the kitchen where the three of them enjoyed breakfast together.
"Where's your dad?" Kellin asked as they neared the end of their meal. "He's a painting contractor, so he's working. He'll be home later." Kellin nodded and wiped spicy tomato sauce off his face. "Messy boy!" mama Fuentes scolded. They all laughed.

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