Chapter 20

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*Vic's POV*

We were sitting in a big, quiet court room, waiting for the session to begin. Kellin and I, dressed in suits, were pretty nervous. I kept trying to reassure Kellin, but it didn't seem to do much.
Finally, court was in session. I quickly glanced over at Katelynne, wearing a short black dress, bright red lipstick and a complex updo. She turned her nose up and looked away from me. We were sworn in and we began.
Kellin and Katelynne's lawyers said some lawyer stuff and I had nearly fallen asleep by the time I was called to the stand. I was supposed to help Kellin's case by describing what a great dad he was. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth so help me God?" a husky cop asked me quickly, lunging a bible towards me. I placed a hand on it and the other midway in the air. "I do."
I sat up in the witness seat nervously while Kellin's lawyer, Mr. Sturgess, questioned me. "What kind of father is Kellin to Copeland, Mr. Fuentes? he began. "He's a great father." I said into the microphone, smiling at Kellin. "One of the best I've seen. She means the world to him. He's very attentive and loving and he always knows what's best for her." Mr. Sturgess nodded. "Do you think he would raise her well as a single parent?" "Absolutely. Although I don't expect him to remain a single parent. He's a great guy." Kellin was practically glowing. The judge spoke up. "Who are you, exactly?" he asked. "I'm.. uh.." I thought for a moment. "Mr. Fuentes, if you don't know who you are to Mr. Bostwick I'm not sure why you're here." he boomed. I cleared my throat. "I'm Kellin's partner." I ended up with. It sounded weird to say, but it was better than 'boyfriend.' He nodded and dismissed me, and boring court went on a while more. There was a recess and we all left while the jury came to a verdict. Kellin, Mr. Sturgess and I went out for lunch, and Mr. Sturgess warned us that we may be losing. "Women tend to gain custody by default." he said sadly. That only made Kellin more of a nervous wreck. "The only upperhand we have here is the money. Kellin has money, Katelynne has no job or college education. So we have a shot."
We were back to court and some more boring stuff ensued. Finally, the speaker for the jury came to speak. "In settling this divorce we have ruled to grant half of Mr. Bostwick's fortune to Mrs. Lahmann." Shit. That's kind of a lot. "As for custody of Copeland Bostwick.." I grabbed Kellin's hand and squeezed tight.
"We have ruled to grant custody to Mr. Bostwick."
Kellin hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe. But I was happy for him. Tears filled his eyes as he looked up at the ceiling and whispered something I couldn't hear.
We did it.


Sorry this is short! Didn't want a big, long, boring court scene!~♡

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