Chapter 11

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*Vic's POV*

Kellin and I, full of mexican food, decided to go chill on the back porch after everyone had gone to bed. The warm San Diego night was pretty much perfect.
We sat in silence for a while. Not the bad kind of silence, but a content silence. Kellin was the first to break it.
"You have a great family, Vic."
I smiled. "Yeah, I do."
He looked up at the stars thoughtfully. "Must be nice."
We sat in silence again for a while, but one thing had been bothering me and I couldn't hold it in any longer.
"What are we?"
Kellin looked at me. "What?" I looked down at my feet. "I mean.. what are we? What's.. this?" Kellin smiled. "You're my best friend." I half expected that. "If that's what you want, that's what I want." Kellin gave me a weird look. "Why do you look upset?" He asked. "I'm not upset." I said quickly, forcing myself to smile. He rested his hand on my knee. "What do you want us to be?"
I realized I didn't really know.
Kellin leaned over and kissed my cheek, giving me butterflies again. "Victor." he said in a terrible spanish accent, making me laugh. I reached for his hand, wanting to hold it more than anything at that moment. "Yeah, Kells?" I asked, still laughing softly.
As I spoke, the back door opened. Kellin quickly seperated our hands and scooted back into his chair. Looking up, I saw that it was Mike. "What are you doing up, bro?" I asked, shaking my head. "I came out to smoke, but uh.." he laughed nervously. "It's okay, guys. I'm happy if you're happy." He said, slapping me on the back. I looked at him, wide eyed. "What do you mean?" Mike chuckled. "Look, Vic. I knew about that guy you were dating back when you were a Sophomore. You didn't exactly hide it well." I felt my face go red. "Look, I don't care if you're fucking a dude or a chick or a horse." He thought for a second. "Well, a horse would be pretty weird. But you know what I mean. I'm your brother, and I love you no matter what." Those words meant a lot. I stood up and pulled him into a hug. "Goodnight, big brother." Mike said, laughing quietly and walking back inside the house.
I looked over at Kellin. "Wow." was all he said. I sat back down, and the silence ensued again, this time awkward rather than content. "Kellin." I said, not wanting this to last forever. "Yeah?" We looked at eachother, and I mustered all my courage together.
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
The dark haired boy looked dumbfounded. "That's.. well, that's what I was going to ask.." I couldn't help but laugh. I laughed so hard I snorted, but I stopped when it came out. Damn that was embarrassing." "Fucking hell." Kellin said. "That was the cutest fucking thing ever." I'm pretty sure I got red again, but I decided it was time to wrap up this awkwardness. "So, I'll take that as a yes?" I finally said. He did that cute little Kellin giggle he does from time to time and came to me, sitting on my lap with his legs straddling the chair. I grabbed his face, pulling it to mine and kissed him lovingly. He put his hands on my chest, giving me butterflies all over again. The kiss was I think our first real kiss, and it was perfect.
We went back inside hand in and and passed out on the couch together, Kellin in my arms.

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