Chapter 6

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*Vic's POV*

I'm getting really worried about Kellin. I've literally never seen him this way, he's always been cool and collected. Girls have that effect on us, don't they?
I sat down because our pizza had come, and I ate a few slices slowly as I waited for Kellin. Almost an hour had passed and he was still talking to Katelynne. I didn't want to be rude and go back in the bathroom or anything, I just saw him occasionally when someone else went in and opened the door. His upper body was slouched almost to his knees and he was resting his head on the hand he was holding his phone with. He looked terrible.
More time passed, and I really needed to get back. I had to be to the concert in 2 hours, since we were playing before Sws. I left a note on the table.
Hey Kellin,
I had to head back. Sorry. Have some of this pizza, you probably need it. Meet me back okay?
When I got back, Tony met me at the bus door. "Where the hell were you, dude? We have to get ready!" "I know, I'm sorry. Kellin was having some trouble." His face relaxed. "Oh, alright. Well let's get moving, amigo."
We all got dressed, got pumped, and were eventually ready to go. I walked to the Sirens bus to check on Kellin, but his bandmates were wondering where he was. "Shit." I said. "We have to be there in 20 minutes to set up!" They all shrugged. I ran out of the bus and back to the restaurant. Kellin was sitting outside, hugging his knees to his chest and staring blankly. I ran to him, out of breath. "Kellin! We have to get going, come on!" I pulled him to his feet. He didn't say anything. "Kellin!" I yelled. "I.." he whispered. "What, Kellin?" "I.. think it's over." I squeezed his shoulder. "What happened?" He still didn't look at me. "She.. she flipped out. Said I was crazy and there was no way I was leaving her. She's.. never even yelled at me before." "Kellin, I'm sorry. I really am. But we have to go." He closed his eyes and nodded, then started walking slowly in the direction of the bus lot. "You've got to be kidding me." I said under my breath. I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder and ran to the buses.
Everyone was waiting outside with all their gear for us. Kellin's bandmates were relieved to see him. I gave him another pat on the back and then Pierce the Veil got ready for action.
We put on a great show, it was tons of fun. I was relieved when Kellin came out for King for a Day, he even seemed to feel better. He was acting a little strange, though. He was more touchy-feely than usual. Oh well.
Sleeping with Sirens put on a great show too, as always. After the show we met some fans and everything was great.
Me and Kellin usually stay a little longer, because more people want pictures with us. So it was pretty late, maybe 1 am when him and I headed back to our buses. Kellin started walking to the other side of the building, though. "Where are you going?" I asked him, chuckling. "Wrong way." He turned around amd smiled. Then he gestured for me to follow. We walked around to the other side of the building. It was dark aside from the lights of the city, but there was nothing really around. No buses, no security, no fans. The area was fenced off from the front and side, too. "Kellin, where are you going?"
He grabbed my waist and pushed me against the brick wall of the venue. "Kellin, what the-" he put his finger to my mouth. "Shh." I was really confused.
"Just.. I have to do something, okay?"
I started to catch on. "You don't have to do this." I whispered. "Maybe you want to get back at Katelynne or whatever, but-" he put his finger to my mouth again. He brought his mouth to my ear and pressed his body against mine. "I want you." he whispered, looking down, then back up at me with those big green eyes. Kellin then brought his face close to mine. I could feel his breath, his body pressed against mine.. I closed my eyes and leaned in, our lips nearly touching. Kellin whispered my name again, more softly this time, and more desperately. I broughg my hands to the back of his head and pulled him into a soft kiss that quickly became rough. His hands moved from my waist to inside my shirt and up to my chest. I pulled him up, and even closer, wanting all of him, all at once..
And then he pulled away. Breathing heavily, he stepped back, looked at me for a moment, and ran off.

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