Chapter 23

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☆★yup, more sexual content.★☆

*Kellin's POV*

I went to grab some lube from my bag, obviously, coming back to a confused looking Vic. I pointed to the bottle, and he mouthed "oh."
I climbed back on the bed, pulling him back to me. "Kellin." he whined. "All this waiting is torture." He grabbed the lube from my hand, surprising me. "I like dominant Vicky." He smirked and climbed back on top of me, wrapping my legs around his waist. "Ready?" he whispered. I nodded.
This was my first time having sex with a guy. I figured I'd be nervous, but honestly I was just so comfortable with Vic and I was glad it was him I could share my first time with.
His finger slipped inside of me, making me jump slightly. "This okay?" he asked. I nodded, and he slowly moved his finger in and out. It felt a bit strange. Then he added another finger, which just felt sort of uncomfortable. He moved them in and out again until I was used to the feeling. When he added a third finger, I could definitely feel the pain. He could tell it hurt so he quickly massaged it away, and I got used to that too. He then pulled his fingers out of me and opened the bottle, squeezing some of the contents in his hand and applying it near the top of his member. He was doing everything slowly, and it was torturous. "Fuck me, Vic." I whined. He smirked and adjusted himself on top of me, lifting my legs higher around him. He brought his member to my entrance, stroking around it teasingly. I whimpered. "Vic.." he kissed my jaw. "Beg." he whispered. "Vic.. please. I want you to fuck me right now. Please, and hard." I whined. He chuckled and then bit his lip, slowly pressing into me. It hurt a little, but not much. After he'd gone gently in and out for a while the pain was numbed and I wanted more.
"Harder, Vic." I moaned. He obeyed, quickening his pace and entering further into me. He was seriously huge, even compared to me. Suddenly he slammed into something inside me that sent chills throughout my body. I let out a short moan, and he kept hitting that spot over and over, making ecstasy wash over me. His soft, deep moans were so sexy. "I'm gonna come, Kells.." he gasped before releasing into me. He threw his head back, letting out a stifled moan and I could feel it inside of me. It was a new feeling I enjoyed. Of course, I hadn't quite come yet though I was close, so Vic wasted no time in moving his head down to my stomach, kissing his way down to my member. He shot one glance at me before licking at the tip. I propped myself up on my elbows, wanting to watch him. He wrapped his lips around the shaft and slowly bobbed up and down, swirling his tongue around the tip as he went up. I moaned and combed my fingers into his hair and buckled my hips as he lowered. He made a slight choking noise but took it all impressively. As he deep throated me I got closer and closer until I finally came, releasing right into Vic's beautiful mouth while I exploded with pleasure. He smiled and looked up at me with those big brown eyes, grinning.
"Well fuck, Vic."

idk if it was too short or what I mean IDK IT'S NOT LIKE I HAVE LOTS OF GAY SEX OR ANYTHING JHEEZ.

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