Chapter 17

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*Kellin's POV*

"Good morning, mijo." Vic's mom said smiling as we entered the kitchen. Vic's mexican senses turned on when he saw her making huevos rancheros and he ran to the stove. She slapped him away; the whole scene made me chuckle to myself. Mama Fuentes looked at me sadly. "I'm so sad that you're leaving tomorrow." Vic smiled. "Come on, you know we'll all come and visit all the time." She went back to her cooking. "You'd better."
We all sat down for breakfast. Papa Fuentes was even off that day, so it was all five of us together.
I tapped Vic's knee under the table and he looked at me questioningly. I sent him a look that I expected to remind him of our plan, but he didn't catch it. I pretended to knock Vic's fork on the ground, and as I bent down to get it I purposely knocked mine there as well. "Kellin, what's your problem?" Vic demanded. "Oops." I said sarcastically. "Looks like we'll have to go wash our forks. Come on, Vic." Everyone cast weird looks around, and Vic rolled his eyes at me. Him and I went over to the sink and started rinsing off our forks. "Kells, what was that for?" he whispered through gritted teeth. "Did you forget what we were going to do?" He dropped his fork in the sink. Maybe he didn't want to?
"Vic, do you not want to tell them?"
"Stop talking. They'll hear us." he commanded under his breath, walking back to the table.
We finished eating in silence, and Vic excused himself to his room as quickly as possible. I followed him.
"What the fuck, Vic?" I said, closing the door behind me. "I'm sorry." was all he said. "Do you not want to do this?" I asked sadly. "I.. Kells, I.."
"You're embarrased of me?"
"No. Absolutely not. I just-"
"You are." I interrupted. "I can tell."
Vic exclaimed in anger, which threw me back. "Why are you so sensitive? God, maybe I am straight! I'm dating a chick!"
That hurt. It hurt a lot. He could tell, too, because he grabbed my shoulders after he looked at my face.
"Kellin. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." Tears started streaming down my face. Fuck.
"Kellin, I'm so so so so sorry." He dropped to his knees and started crying again. "I'm just really stressed out, and I get really angry sometimes and I'm sorry.." I went down to my knees too and hugged him. "I understand." I whispered. "But we need to stop all this crying and shit. We're men." Vic laughed, sniffling. I wiped his eyes. "But, about your parents-"
"Come on." He said, standing up and offering me his hand. We walked right into the living room where Mama and Papa Fuentes and Mike were watching the news still holding hands. Papa Fuentes gave us an odd look.
"Can we have a family meeting?" Vic announced. His mom looked at us. "Of course, mijo." She turned the television off and motioned for us to sit down.
Vic and I sat on the smaller couch that was a bit away from the big couch the rest of the Fuentes' were seated on. Papa Fuentes was still eyeing us. Mike looked at us knowingly, and even threw his big brother a supportive nod.
"I- We.." he proclaimed, smiling at me. "Kellin and I are together. Mama Fuentes looked confused. "What?" Papa Fuentes hadn't changed his stance. "We're together. In a relationship."
"Dating." I chipped in. He smiled.
"Yeah." he beamed, raising our held hands up.
She smiled. "Oh, okay Victor." She came to kiss him on the forehead. "But are you still Catholic?" she questioned. "Yes, mama. Of course." He kissed her cheek. She went back to her place on the couch and picked up the remote to turn the news back on. "I'm happy you're happy, mi-" Papa Fuentes grabbed the remote, surprising her.
"Victor." he said, standing up.
"De que se trata esto? Dos hombres no estan destinados a estar juntos."
Vic looked upset, which made me realize that whatever his dad said wasn't good.
"Papa,  Lo siento, te prometo que sigo siendo catolico. No creo que este mal." he said in a pleading voice.
"Como se puede estar con un hombre, vencedor? Esta mal!" his dad shouted. I was really worried now.
I looked at Vic, wanting an explanation of what was going on. But his attention was completely on his dad.
"Estoy enamorada de el." he said quietly. His dad looked at him silently.
"Victor, estas seguro de esto? Esto te hace feliz?" he said, looking down at his oldest son. Vic smiled, easing the tension.
"Si, papa."
"Supongo que todo lo que puedo desear es su felicidad." He said, opening his arms. They hugged, and I sighed in relief. Mike smiled and joined the hug. Then mama Fuentes came over and pulled me up, and all of us had a big family hug. It was beautiful. When it ended, Vic reached for my hand again. "I'm so glad we don't have to hide anymore." I smiled and kissed him, for the first time in front of everyone.
"Gross." Mike shouted at us. Everyone laughed.

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