Umibig Muli

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Song title: Muli
Singer: Ace Banzuelo
Au title: Umibig Muli
Genre: Fiction (Flash)
Theme: Slight angst
Ship: harudam (Haruto×Yedam of Treasure)
Trope: Childhood frenemies to lovers.
Language: English

May 25, 2022 - May 27, 2022


Their mom's stares at the two baby who's in the stroller. They looked at each other then smiled ear to ear, they're happy to be besties for life and for giving birth at the same time. Of course not to forget the blessing they have, Haru and Dami. They looked again at the two and thought we'll definitely do anything just so you both will be like us; besties.
They kept their words. Whenever they're going out, they bring their baby with them and will chitchat for the whole day until their husbands pick them up. Or when they visit each other, the babies won't left out, no matter what. That happened even after they turned six year old, age of a kindergarten student. Haru and Dami is in the same class, but they were never close, even if their parents are. They sometimes fake a smile infront of their parents and then glares at each other if they turned their back. They even bicker every single time. The parents think it's just kids being kids, and nothing serious. Then something happened, Haru was bullied. Not only once, not twice, but a hundred times. He's being bullied everyday in kindergarten for being "too tall" for his age. Dami haven't seen it because he's busy talking with his other friends. But he caught them when he decided to go to the bathroom. He stops going in and listen as the three students insult his "frenemies." He only step in when he heard a buckle of water being dragged and was about to be thrown into Haru who closed his eyes, thinking he's going home soaking in water again. Haru opened his eyes after three minutes, he saw Dami fighting his three bully even though he's wet and have scratches from them. Haru tried to stop Dami, but he just show him his thumbs up. Later on, the teachers found out and they end up being in the detention. Dami asked Haru if he's okay, the latter said he is and asked Dami the same thing. No one knew that after that, they'll get close, closer than anyone else. Of course, they still bicker, but it got lesser than before. Their parents is in awe as they watched them play together, eat together, in anything they do together, even bath together. Now that they're in high school, Dami unexpectedly courted Haru when they're in second year. Haru is not easy to get, so Dami courted him for two years. They were so happy than before that you can't separate them even in a minute. They go in a date almost everyday and they sleep in each other's house. Their parents knew. At first, they don't like the idea of them being in a romantic relationship because they only want them to be best friends and nothing more. They got used to them being lovey-dovey so they just accepted it. Not until one day, they're walking home together while chatting and telling each other on what happened. Haru was telling Dami what happened earlier in their classroom when Dami stops and look in front. Haru saw a bunch of gangsters and they seemed to be annoyed. They called Dami while saying mean things, Dami told Haru to go home without him. And if needed, after an hour, Haru should call their parents. Haru was confused, he refused to do what Dami told him to. He insisted on staying, he's feeling nervous on what will happen. Dami frowned and dragged Haru far from the thugs. Dami told him that if he won't leave, then he should stay away from them. Haru, who can't disagree just nodded. Dami smiled at him and mouthed "I love you." Before going back at them. Haru can still see them, fighting for their lives as they fight with different weapon. It suddenly rain, yet they're still fighting. Haru then dialed his mom's number and called her, he keeps looking at Dami as if he will disappear any moment. After five minutes of contacting his mom, she answered it and asked what's wrong. Haru didn't answer, he saw what happened to his lover next. His world collapse as he watched how the other thug bring out a knife and stabbed Dami. The thug stabbed Dami a hundred times that made Haru stand in the rain, staring at Dami and is still processing the event. Haru's denying that what happened is true. After the thugs left the lifeless body of Dami, that's when Haru walked towards Dami. He stood and looked down, he fell on his knees. Haru touched Dami's face as he tried to wake him up. He shouted. "DAMI! WAKE UP! IT'S NOT A GOOD JOKE! DAMN IT!" He shook Dami nonstop. He looked up and shouted as he messily cried. He hugged Dami' body and cried his heart out. The police, along with the ambulance came too late. The parents looked at the walking Haru, he's carrying Dami. Dami's parents cried when they saw How many bruise he got. Dami was taken to the hospital but he was dead on arrival. Haru blamed himself for what happened. He stayed on his room even in the last day of Dami's funeral, Dami's parents might say it's not his fault, but he feels guilty. Haru looked at their pictures as he remembers them perfectly. He hugged the picture frame where there's a picture they took when he said 'yes' to Dami. Their friends and family tried to cheer him up, but it didn't work. Three years had passed, and he's still not over with his first ad last love, Dami. Not even when his friends tried to hook him up with someone. He promised, not only on his love's grave, but also in God. He promised he won't fall in love, not unless it's Dami.



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