What is this feeling..?

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Hi guys so this is my first wattpad story and all and it probably does not make any sense but idk anymore so enjoy the ✨𝔸𝕟𝔾𝕤𝕋 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕊𝕦𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤✨










Thundersotorm/Halilintar's P.O.V :

Why do I keep hearing voices in my head every night..? Ever since the battle with Retak'ka,

I always had this weird feeling everyday, it's as if someone is trying to reach out to me...

But who was it? Who was that person in those dreams and nightmares, he never spoke to me only glared at me for a few seconds then he disappears. I decided to keep a this a secret from the others, Im pretty sure its nothing to worry about....


Other elementals P.O.V :

Taufan : Abang Hali has been acting pretty strange after the fight with Retak'ka, don't you guys think too?

Gempa : Yeah.. he has been more..quiet, 𝘛𝘖𝘖 𝘘𝘶𝘪𝘦𝘵. Do you think something is wrong with him?

Thorn : Maybe hes just shaken up from the battle! Why don't we try cheering him up later?

Gempa : Maybe but NO balloons you troublemakers.

Blaze : How did you know about that?!

Gempa : Heh

Solar : Eh, what do we do to cheer up Hali though?

Taufan : Ahh, I havent thought about that..hmmm.

Ice : Huh.. what are you guys talking about..?

Thorn : EH?! Since when were you here Ice?!

Ice : I just woke so would you stop shouting..?

Thorn : E-eh sorry

Ice: Mmm..Its fine..anyways what are you guys talking about?

Taufan : We want to find a way to cheer up Abang Hali! But..we don't really have any idea of what to do to cheer him up.

Ice : You, Gempa and Solar are closest to him right? How come you don't know what to do?

Gempa : Why don't you guys help me prepare his favourite food tonight?

Thorn : That seems like a nice idea!

Blaze : All right then ill help Gempa cook!

Gempa : Blaze I'm sorry but no. 

Blaze : Ehhh?! Why not???

Solar : You almost burned down Tok aba's house last time you helped us cook

Blaze : Oh..right..hehe

Thorn : Me and solar will help you cook then!


Taufan : Come on Solarrrr. Were just gonna cook for a couple minutes, it's not that hard!

Solar : Easy for you to say, have you guys ever tried cooking before?

Thorn and Taufan : ...No..

Gempa : Don't worry ill help you guys *soft smile*

Thorn and Taufan : All right then lets go cheer up Abang Hali!






Thunderstorm/Halilintar's P.O.V

There goes those whispering voices again.. At first it only happens at night, but now they happen at daylight too? Ugh...My head hurts..maybe ill just lie in bed for a few minutes... I closed my eyes and it felt as if a fell asleep. Im in some sort of black and white void thingie now..

Thunderstorm : Helloooo! Is anyone there?

My voice echoed through the darkness


Some figure was there, not just any figure.... the figure I saw in my dreams.

It had red blood eyes but that was all I saw. After a few minutes of staring at it spoke.

??? : Hello, 丅ᕼᑌᑎᗪᗴᖇᔕ丅ᗝᖇᗰ~

Thunderstorm/Halilintar : Who the heck are you?! [I was ready to attack the thing but it suddenly disappeared... I heard another voice similar to the figure.]

??? : You will be knowing who I am very...very...𝕤𝕠𝕠𝕟

I heard a ringing. A loud one. I hate loud noises, especially if there close to my ears.

I covered my ears trying to ease the pain. But suddenly I woke up.

Taufan : Heyyyy Abang Hali wake up!!

Thunderstorm : Huh..?

Taufan : Come one dinner is ready!!

Thunderstorm : O-oh ill be downstairs in a few minutes..

Taufan : Alrighttt

Was that just a nightmare...?





𝓞𝓻 𝓪 𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰..







[So im finished with part 1, you guys can comment if you want a part 2!]

Hope yall were interested or enjoyed this stuff but yea bye

Made by : ~𝕊𝕚𝕞𝕡~

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