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It had been the next day after my ball and my mother invited Mateo, Aunt Ophelia, and Owen to stay over. We were all sitting for breakfast which felt nice until Wyatt spoke.

"Father," Wyatt said aloud. "Was Tewkesbury Basilwether here last night?" Wyatt questioned.

I choked on my porridge hearing Tewkesbury's name. I coughed after I swallowed my food. How did they know he was here? Wait, Callum knew Tewkesbury was there.

"Dear are you alright?" My mother asked while I was coughing. Mateo was next to me making sure I was alright.

"I'm fine mama," I answered once I was done coughing and clearing my throat.

"He was," My father spoke up, answering Wyatt.

"Did you know about this?" Wyatt asked, he seemed mad. I could only assume Callum was the one who told him. Callum and Wyatt were closer than I was to Callum.

"I did," He told Wyatt truthfully. I tried not to make any eye contact with any of my family. Except I felt a pair of eyes looking at me, I stared up and across to Owen.

He seemed tense at the fact that Tewkesbury was here last night and now my family was talking about him.

"Why would you let him stay!?" Wyatt started getting angry. You would think you would want to discuss this matter with your family, not in front of other people. But that was never the case with Wyatt.

"He didn't bother anyone Wyatt," My father calmly stated. "Unless he bothered you in some way?"

"No, but he's the heir of our rival family." Wyatt spewed.

"He didn't cause a scene," My mother said.

"So you're telling me if he was here and was near
Y/N, you'd be fine with it?" Wyatt asked. Why did he have to drag me into this?

"Why are you bringing me to this?" I looked up at Wyatt. This was the one conversation I would have stayed out of.

"Y/N," My father ignored Wyatt's remark. "was Tewkesbury Basilwether near you, or did he bother you?" My father asked.

"No," I lied. "I didn't even know he was there." I quickly said. "Wyatt, why does it matter if he was there?" I asked him.

"I'm making sure he doesn't cause any trouble. He is a Basilwether after all." Wyatt explained.

"You're starting to sound like Callum," I rolled my eyes at him.

"Are we the only ones that care about our family name?" Wyatt snarled.

"Wyatt dear, it's best not to add more to the fire." My mother advised Wyatt.


"Uh uh," Mother raised her hand to stop him from speaking.

Wyatt looked at me to back him up.

"Don't look at me," I told him. "You know I think this feud is stupid."

"So you all are now siding with the Basilwethers?" Wyatt asked. Here we go again. The same conversation.

"No! And we never will, but why should we cause a scene if nothing happened?" My father explained to Wyatt.

"I seriously do wonder how your mind works sometimes," I retorted to Wyatt. He gave me a face which I returned. I heard Mateo snort slightly.

"May I please be excused?" I asked my mother and father. My father smiled while my mother nodded in agreement.

I went upstairs to my room and grabbed my parcel as it was sunny and warm outside. I grabbed my gloves as well, knowing I needed to have them.

I went outside to the gardens to take my mind off things. From Tewkesbury, Wyatt, and Mateo.

"Y/N!" I heard Mateo call out. I turned around and saw him running to me. Great, one of the few people I wanted to clear my mind of.

"Mateo," I said. "What brings you here?" I asked. I couldn't deal with him.

"I was wondering if I could join you in your walk." He said. If I declined I would have been impolite and I still have to keep up with a façade.

"Uhm, by all means," I said, smiling at him. I wanted to be alone for once. Why did he always have to follow me?

"Did you enjoy your ball?" He asked.

"I did, it was so elaborate and many people enjoyed it."

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Did he see Tewkesbury's coat on me?

"O-Of course," I slightly stuttered. "Why wouldn't I have?" I questioned him.

"You seemed stressed."

"Well, having a big family name means you have big shoes to live up to."

"I completely understand. I always feel unseen or behind my brothers' shadows."

"But at least you can do the things you enjoy, right?"

"Yes, I can. I was beyond thrilled when I was able to go to and travel all of Europe."

"Must have been nice,"

"It would have been nicer to have spent it with someone."

"I thought you brought your friends?" I questioned.

"I did, but what I mean is a partner. To look at all the beautiful buildings, architectures, history, and culture."

"What did you want to discuss?" I told him truthfully.

"Look, I like you n/n and I want to try things out. But I can't help but feel a bit out of place with you. I don't want to make you uncomfortable in any way."

"It is still abnormal for me. I'm still young and you're barely considered an adult. I just- I do not know about how I feel yet. Just give me time, okay? I'll see how I feel." I saw Mateo nod, giving me a reassuring smile.

"Take all the time you need [n/n], I'll always be here," Mateo said. He bowed leaving me alone.

"[Y/N]!" Owen called after me. This is not how I wanted to talk to Owen after the whole incident. Him being friends with Tewkesbury and he was my cousin.

"Owen," I said. "To what do I owe the pleasure-"

"Let's get straight to the point." Owen interrupted.

"What is there to talk about? That you happen to be friends with my family's rival heir and you also happen to be my cousin? Not that I care but what a small world we live in." I told Owen.

"Look, I know there has been some slight... tension," He said carefully. One could put it like that. "I don't want you thinking-"

"Is this about the feud? Because if it is, I don't mind if you're on their side. I just find the whole thing idiotic. But, I don't know what to do. Your friend happens to like me-"

"And so do you,"

"I don't fall for someone easily," I replied. "But he is handsome." I muttered under my breathe. "Not the point, I don't want to get in trouble for something I shouldn't do. He visited me after he and Matthew left. And... well, I may or may not have promised to see him again if he left."

"You did what?" Owen stared at me, shocked.

"Look, I know. It's awful enough that my family hates his family. But going behind their back to meet him? I might as well have a death wish."

"Maybe you don't..." Owen said.

hello!!! it's been such a long time!
school started again and it's
been great but i've been so busy!
taking all honors doesn't help.

but i've missed you all!
i also did have writer's block
for the longest time
but i'm back! i'm super excited
for enola holmes 2!! 
thank you for the support
meanwhile i've been gone :(

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐭 - 𝐓𝐞𝐰𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now