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Melanie Edwards had left me alone in my thoughts. She herself didn't scare me. What did scare me is that she would tell my family. No one can know. I trust my friends and Tewkesbury's friends.

As I neared the jeweler's shop, I snapped out of my thoughts. I recognized that the regular owner, Mr. Theodore Thompson, was there through the window. Mr. Theodore adores my family, especially my mother as they were close friends growing up.

I opened the door and entered his shop. The bell rang as I entered the room to which he looked up. He let his quill down before standing up and greet me.

"Miss Alderidge," He smiled warmly. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked, extending a hand for me to take, to which I accepted.

"Hello Mr. Theodore," I greeted. "I've come to pick up the order my mother sent," I explained to him.

"Ah yes, they should be in the back. I'll fetch someone to get them for you," He said. I smiled at him before he sent one of his assistants to get the gifts my mother had ordered.

I looked around the shop, noticing all the different pieces of jewelry. From necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, and so forth. Mr. Theodore also had many accessories such as fans, gloves, hats, and umbrellas.

I stopped looking at the displays in front of me and looked toward the door as the bell rang, indicating someone arrived. To my surprise it was Tewkesbury.

"Ah," Mr. Theodore spoke up, acknowledging Tewkesbury's presents. "Mr. Tewkesbury." He smiled as Tewkesbury walked to him, shaking his hand. I saw Tewkesbury smile back at him.

"Are you here for the order you placed?" Mr. Theodore asked him. Order? I shouldn't ease drop so I tried to focus on the jewels in front of me.

"Yes, I am!" I heard Tewkesbury said excitedly.

"I'll bring it out," He said to Tewkesbury before turning to me. "And your mother's stuff will be right out shortly." Mr. Theodore turned to me. I nodded in response.

Neither one of us said anything or acknowledged each other. That wasn't until Mr. Thompson left and closed the back door.

"Hello there stranger," Tewkesbury acknowledged me. I bit my lip, trying not to smile. The effect he had on me was absurd.

"I do not think it is wise to talk out here in public," I spoke, looking at the display in front of me.

"You're always worrying angel," Hearing him walk closer to me. I hated how he made me feel. With his nickname, his words, his tone, or him gravitating toward me. I hated it. And yet there was nothing else I wanted.

"And what if I had a reason to?" I turned to him, suppressing my feelings. He looked confused, furrowing his eyebrows. "I had a nice conversation with your old partner," I explained to him. I saw his eyes immediately widen.

"You talked to M-" He hesitated before saying her name. "Melanie... You talked to her?" Tewkesbury asked. I know it must have been hard on him. She had no remorse from what I could tell.

"Not willingly. She almost kidnapped me." I clarified.

"WHAT?" He raised his voice.

"Don't worry, I took care of her myself," I reassured him sarcastically. "She just said if I didn't leave you alone, she would tell my family about us. About our meetings and all." I said casually.

"[Y/N]- I'm really sorry." Tewkesbury apologized.

"No, it's on me. I shouldn't have allowed anything to happen between us. I knew better." I said.

"No, this is not your fault. I'll talk with her. She needs to get over it. I'm over her. Trust me." He turned to me, holding both my hands in his.

"It's not her I'm worried about," I told him truthfully "I'm afraid our families will find out." I looked down. I felt Tewkesbury's hand cup my face and that's when I looked up. He had been so close to me.

"That will not happen. But if anything happens, I will protect you. Always." He whispered. This was the most he's physically held me. I hadn't held his hand or hugged him.

No. I only kissed his cheek that one time. I didn't know what was going through my head at the time. But he never forced me to hold his hand or anything. Sometimes he tried but noticed I shy away.

He was close. His eyes looked directly towards mine, then looked down at my lips, and again at my eyes. He did that once more, than twice. I was so compelled to him that I couldn't back away. He slowly leaned in, ever so carefully.

But then I heard the door knob rattle and I quickly moved back. I walked back to where I was, taking a deep breath as Mr. Theodore and his assistant entered.

"Here you are Miss [Y/N]," Mr. Theodore said, as his assistant handed me two boxes. Both are black with a white ribbon tied on top.

I carefully removed the ribbon and made sure what my mother had asked was in there. She said there should be rings, necklaces, and earrings. I opened the lid of the first and saw many different earrings and rings. They were all quite beautiful. There were five rings in total.

"Your mother always chooses the most beautiful jewelry," Mr. Theodore spoke up. I nodded in agreement, starting to open the second box.

"Here is your order Mr. Tewkesbury," Mr. Theodore turned to Tewkesbury. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Mr. Theodore open a velvet box in front of Tewkesbury. I couldn't tell what it was but I assumed it was a necklace.

I turned back to my box and noticed all the necklaces. They were quite beautiful and I wondered who they were for. There were pearls and other types of necklaces.

"You can see I marked the engravings in the back," I heard Mr. Theodore say to Tewkesbury. "Whoever has won your heart is lucky."

"No," Tewkesbury interrupted. "I'm lucky to have her."

"I was surprised the initial wasn't an M for Melanie," Mr. Thompson said aloud. I felt my face twitch slightly, maybe because of jealousy but I wouldn't know.

"No, we separated a few months ago," Tewkesbury explained. He seems much happier, from what Owen says. I don't know if what he says is true or not, but I'm glad to even be friends with Tewkesbury.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Don't be. This girl makes me really happy. Happier than Melanie ever could have." I felt my heart beat faster.

I closed the second boxed and tied the ribbon on top of it. I carried both of them and walked in front of Mr. Theodore. "Thank you, they look beautiful," I told to Mr. Theodore to which he smiled. I glanced down at the box for Tewkesbury. It was a necklace with a small heart, but I quickly glanced up.

I turned towards Tewkesbury and bowed my head quickly. He bowed his head in return and with that I quickly left the shop.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐭 - 𝐓𝐞𝐰𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now