-Chapter 1-

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Rhaenyra covers her ears as she hears the screams of other experiments. She slumps against the wall of her cell, curling up into a ball. Wishing that she was with her siblings, or better yet, her family. Her almost completely dead family. She just wants to see her parents again. One last time. She's only been here about one year, but even the first day was terrible. Everything about this place she found creepy and cold, distant even. She hasn't seen another human being, besides the guards, for over 200 days. She stood up and put her hands on the bars and she looks out the best she can. She saw a guard coming and slipped back into her dark, cold cell. She hears the scream of what sounds like a mature man. She cringes and fiddles with her fingers.

The guard patrolling the halls starts to walk slowly by her cell. Looking right at her. He stopped at her cell and stopped to lean against it. ''Y'know, you should get used to this, one day, you'll be just like them. Nothing but toys for Hydra.'' The words chilled Rhaenyra to the bone, and the guard could tell. He smirked and walked away, happy with himself that he managed to scare a Hydra experiment.

Minus the experiment, because Rhaenyra isn't an experiment, at least not yet.

( Rhaenyra's POV )
8 years later

I feel legs swoop under me as I fall to the ground. "Get up." Someone said through the glass that separates us. Before my enemy can get to me, I kick my feet up and land on them, with my hand touching the cold, concrete floor.

He looks at me with curious eyes, but I just tilt my head and smirk at him. I slowly rise up, keeping eye contact with him as we start to throw punches back and fourth, trying to hit each other. I come close to hitting the ground. But, before I waste another second, I roll onto and over my back, then, I kick my feet under his, so we're both on the ground.

He looks at me with hatred and I stare right back, not willing to back down from the fight. We both stand up and unexpected, he picks me up and runs me into the wall, my back smashing into the hard concrete. Just as he goes back for another hit, I slip out of his grasp and land on the ground under him. He looks down with surprise, so I use that to my advantage in the fight we're in. I grab his upper calves and throw him into the wall. He stands up slightly, out of impulse. He continues to stumble up over to me and squares up, but very weakly. I tilt my head and look at him with disgust. Why would anyone give up so easily? I run over to him and kick him to the wall. I pin him there and punch him multiple times, drawing blood. With him now being knocked out, I realize that he is lying on my back, so I groan and shove him off of me, pleased that I won the fight.

"That'll be it, for now." Some guy says, I can tell he's not a scientist or a trainer. Or if he is, I haven't seen him before. But, he does look like that he had been in a fight once or twice.

I nod, my hair in a long, tight braid. I notice that my suit is still sticking to my body, aching for a warm meal and a hot shower, or to get into something clean, but in my 9 years here, I know that won't happen. Five guards walk me back to my cell. Two on each side of me, and one behind me. I look at all of the cells and I see some guy with shoulder length hair.

He looks up and I see him with a saddened expression on his face. I look at him and feel slight pity for the man. No one should be tied up in here. The only thing we're in here is objects to them. Just things waiting, collecting dust. Waiting for them to turn us into "something better than mankind could ever imagine." As the scientist's always tell me.


(Behind the glass)
( Third person POV)
"So, what do you think?" Rumlow asked as he looked back at his boss, Alexander Pierce. Who's still looking at the still "knocked out" man lying on the floor as the medics pronounce him as dead.

"I think she's perfect." He says with a slight smile. "She's unlike anything we've ever created before. But, she could be more, something stronger."

"Well, what do you want us to do?" Rumlow asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

"Not you," Alexander snapped, "the scientists. They need to make her into something more."

"Sir, with all due respect," Rumlow treaded, "we have been training her for eight years. I think that she's ready to show herself to the world."

"Oh, I know that she's ready, but we need to wait for a little while longer. Until I can have my way with her, show her what a threat mankind can be, and turn her into something better. Stronger, and more prepared." Alexander ranted to Rumlow.

"We will, but, what do you want done with Barnes?" Rumlow questioned. "Do you want us to kill him?"

"No, just let me talk goddammit." Alexander sighed. "One of our best men died in one of the shortest fights I've ever seen and she barely put any effort into it."

"I'll deal with Barnes, after I get done with Maximoff." He sneered. "Our first priority is her, then we deal with him."


(Rhaenyra's POV)

The guards push me into my cell, hard. To hard. I look back at the one who pushed me and glared at him. After all of his squirming was done, I smirk slightly at myself. I walk around the familiar room and wonder if this is really what I call my home. I changed out of my suit and into a dirty white, now more brown looking dress. I look up at the ceiling, close my eyes for a second, and think about my life I had before this.

I think about the night in Sokovia our last full night together as a family. I remember us being all happy, and clueless as we didn't know what would await us. I sit up slightly and look around at my surroundings. Suddenly, a dim light flickers throughout the room. I slide until a hit a wall. I wait in the room for what feels like hours, and then finally a guard comes and pulls me up and keeps a tight grip on my arm as we walk out of the room.

I walk into a room with an ally made of metal and I see a spear with a blue stone in it.

"Please state your name and status, for documents purposes." On man says, looking at me from the tiny room that separates us.

"Rhaenyra Maximoff, forced." I state and he looks at me with slight confusion but leaves it at that.

The stone flies out and go's into the middle of the room. I walk closer to it and stick my hand out with caution. A strong wind is sent my way as the stone turns yellow. My arms flow back as I barely can keep my eyes open. I see a girl with wavy hair and a dress floating in the air, with power coming towards her. I look at it for a few more seconds, and then everything went black.

----------------------------------------------------------- I hope that you're enjoying this first chapter of Sapphire. - ASoldiersWinter

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