-Chapter 5-

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Rumlow questioned.

"I mean, she's taken down my best men, other soldiers, the Winter Soldier." He says as he trailed on.

"I'm sure" Alexander Pierce said as the guard unlocks my cell for them.

"Maximoff-" Rumlow starts "Call her Rhaenyra, so she can have a little left." Alexander buts in, inviting himself into the conversation.

"Rhaenyra, come with me." He says, but I just stay tucked in my corner staring at them.

"Rhaenyra, now." He seethed. I roll my eyes and stand up and walk over to them.

The guards have a hold on both of my arms while Alexander and Rumlow walk infront of us. We all stop at a room and Rumlow pulls out a key-card and scans it across the electric pad. The door opened and there were guards lining the walls like their lives depended on it. They probably did too.

"Rhaenyra, you're going to try something for us." Rumlow sates gently, like he's trying to let me down slowly.

"Tell me, what's your name?" Alexander questioned.

"Rhaenyra Maximoff" I state simply.

"Alright, let's try this." He states.

Three guards lead me over to this machine with a helmet-looking thing on the top of it. They sit me down if the edge of it and I stare blankly at Rumlow.

Without another word, the guards push me down on the leather seat that was provided. They push a mouth guard thing into my mouth and they turn on the machine.

Nothing but pain and numbness swirls around in my brain. I feel different. I remember everything, I think anyway.

"What's your name."


"Again! Now!"

I feel the pain come back as I see nothing but pure black with flickering sparks of white. I open my eyes and feel like screaming. I feel like something's different.

"What's your name?"

"Rhaenyra Maxi-"

"Do it again until nothing is there."

Nothingness enters my brain quietly, like it's trying to sneak around my intrusive thoughts. My head is nothing but pain as flashes of my family come into it.

Wanda and Peitro with our parents watching Dick Van-Dyke. I try to scream to let some of the pain out, but to no use as the mouth guard just keeps my mouth from doing anything.

I feel the heavy straps on my arms and ankles, them keeping me to the chair as the pressure releases from my head.

"What's your name?"

"Fuck you!"


The pain just welcomes itself back into my body as I feel nothing but numbness. I try to think of my name, but I can't tell if I'm right or not. Its Rhaenyra, right? Maybe not.

"What's your name?"

"I'm not sure." I state hoping that he'll believe me.

"You know I hate it when you lie. Again."

Nothing. I feel nothing, what is my name. I don't know anymore.

"What's your name?"

"I don't know."

"This," he breathed, "this is why I told you to hold off, look at what she's become. Our surprise attack." The guy infront of me states.

"Guard, what's the subjects name?"

"The Wraith, Rumlow, I mean sir."

"Alright, give me the book."

"Онемевший"- Numb

"Холод" - Coldness

"Взорваться" - Explode

"Смерть" - Death

"Темный" - Dark

"Готовый" - Ready

"Бодрствующий" - Awake

"Прозрачный" - Clear

"Груз" - Freight

"Угроза" - Threat

"Доброе утро, солдат" (Good Morning Soldier)

"Готов соблюдать" (Ready to comply)

"You will be going on another mission. With a permanent partner."

I stare at this man, who told me his name was Rumlow, questioningly. Of course I have been on multiple missions before with other soldiers, and by myself, but never have I ever had a permanent partner.

"Who?" I question, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"The Winter Soldier."

We walk down a dimly lit hallway and all he does is ramble on about the Winter Soldier. We come to a stop as another guard turns the corner with a man on the side of him.

A man with a metal arm, shaggy hair and looks that could kill. I already like him.

I look at him and nod, then walk away. Not caring enough to engage in a conversation with him.

(2 hours later)

I walk into a room with two guards on each side of me. A scientist sits in a chair against the wall as Rumlow motions for me to come into the light by him.

Suddenly, a scream echos against my ears and I snap my head in the direction of it. A man is drug into the room by two guards on his arms. He has a sack over his head and I look at Rumlow expectedly.

"Just a little test before your mission. Want to make sure you're not getting cold feet."

"Kill him. With your gun or your abilities, I don't mind."

I nod and stare at the wall for a second. I feel a surge of air as a pen from the scientist's shirt is plunged into the mans temple. Killing him instantly.

"D-did she just do that, w-with her mind?" The scientist asks, his eyes spread wide and open with alert.

"I told you she's ready." Rumlow starts, "She's not afraid of the hunt anymore. If anything, I'd say that she enjoys it."

The scientist walks over to me and places a hand on my back, letting it drift down a little to close to my but. I look at him with glowing eyes as his hand cripples under my telepathy.

"Don't touch me." I seethed.

Then Rumlow pulled out his gun and gave it to me. I shoot the man in the hand first, then his head.

"You won't have to worry about him anymore." He states.

"I know."

I walk out of the room and calmly walk down the hallway with guards looking infront of themselves. I feel my hair in it's braid sticking to my back and cringe slightly. The feel of sweat and blood all mixed together makes my body feel like it's constricted. But I deal with it.

"You leave at dawn, be prepared." The guard tells me. I nod and walk back into my cell.

Well, this is going to be interesting.

That was chapter 5 of Sapphire. Hope you enjoyed.

[1.1] SAPPHIRE, james 'bucky' barnesWhere stories live. Discover now