The Coming Out

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Two guards stood outside of two large metal doors painted with faded yellow stripes on the top and bottom.

Another walked up to a keypad and typed in it's code. Having the doors open automatically, revealing a big, dark room with six yellow colored cylinders. Each with a mist running through it.

Walking through the line of cylinders, the guard stopped at the two, one each side of him.

"Открой их, пора." (Open them, it is time.)

Then, the pods opened at the same time, revealing two soldiers with masks covering their faces, and them in their suits.

"Give me the book" he snapped.

Another soldier gave him a red book with a black star on the front.

"Тоска" (Longing)

"Ржавый" (Rusted)

"Семнадцать" (Seventeen)

"Рассвет" (Daybreak)

"печь" (Furnace)

"Девять" (Nine)

"Бенинг" (Bening)

"Возвращение домой" (Homecoming)

"Один" (One)

"Грузовой автомобиль" (Freight Car)

"Доброе утро, солдат" (Good morning, soldier)

"Готов выполнить" (Ready to comply)


"We have one last mission for you two." Alexander Pierce said as he walked into the room, not breaking eye contact as he walked.

"We're gonna go after America's Angel,"

"Steve Rogers."


Steve, Natasha, Sam and Jasper Sitwell were all a sliver Chevy car, with Sam driving, Steve right beside him, and Natasha and Jasper right behind him in the back seat.

"The sites launching in 16 hours, we're cutting it a little bit close here." Natasha said as she poked her head around the back of the passenger seat.

"I know, but we'll use them to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicariers directly."

"What," Jasper said as he leaned forward, looking at Steve. "What, are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea." He says as Steve looks out his window.

Suddenly, an arm wraps around Jasper's neck as he is thrown out of the car, and someone crawls on top of the car, and shoots right where Natasha was supposed to be sitting, but she quickly pulled herself up and onto Steve's lap, just as he pulled the emergency brake.

The three of them watched as someone with a metal arm was flung off of the car, his body sprawling until he hit the ground, flipping himself over so his hand was digging into the road while the rest of his body was sliding behind it.

He slowly lists his hand out of the ground and stands up straight, but his head down. Natasha grabbed out her gun and just as she was about to shoot, another car rammed itself into the one they were in, making Natasha's gun fall out of her hands onto the floor of the car.

Sam tries to stop the car when he sees that the man is still standing in the middle of the road, but it's no use as the car behind them continues to barrel forward.

The man flips over the car and lands right on top of it as the glass of the back windshield breaks. Sam slams on the breaks as the man starts crawling around on the roof.

Then, the steering wheel is ripped from Sam's hands and out of the car.


Natasha finally finds her gun and starts to shoot at the roof of the car, as the man jumps onto the top of the other car right behind them.

As Sam tries to steady the car again, the Jeep right behind them rams into it again. Causing Steve to jump into action by putting his shield on his arm and grabbing Nat and Sam. Bursting the passenger side door open they all go falling onto the road, all being protected by Steve's shield. The car rolls around as the tires start to fall off and the car comes to a stop, fully destroyed.

As they were all rolling, Sam got separated and stopped not far ahead of the car. While Nat and Steve were still being protected by the shield.

Suddenly, the car comes to a stop in the middle of the highway, parking sideways. The Winter Soldier jumps off of the car as a man hands him a grenade launcher. Steve pushes Nat away from him as the grenade hits his shield and he is sent flying off the highway they were on.

Steve goes through a bus window as people scream and as the driver looks back, he hears a honk from a horn of a car, causing him to look forward to see another truck coming. As they crash together, the bus is flown onto it's side as the other drives forward, continuing to go down the road.


Back up top, Nat and Sam hide behind two different cars as The Winter Soldier walks toward Nat with five men firing at her. As she peeks around the corner, The Winter Soldier fires a grenade at her, but just before it reaches her, she jumps over the side of the bridge and catches herself by launching her grappling hook to the bottom of the bridge, running as fast as she could when she was on solid ground.

The Winter Soldier walks over to the other side of the bridge as another man hands him a gun. When he gets to the edge he looks down, his eyes searching for Nat.

Nat runs under the bridge only to see the shadow of The Winter Soldier standing there, waiting for her.

When The Winter Soldier hear movement beside him, he looks over to see The Winter Wrath, jumping out of a car and walking towards him.

Looking back at the scene in front of him, The Winter Soldier takes aim for the bus that Steve had crashed into. But, just as he did, a gunshot hit him right on his goggles, breaking them.

Sitting down quickly, he takes his goggles off and angrily stands up and starts firing right below him, not really having a target.

Gunshots rang out from beneath him as Nat was shooting both of her guns at him. He took aim to fire back, but it was too risky, as it was two-to-one.

When Natasha started running away, they both started to fire at her, causing her to run faster.

"у меня есть она." (I have her)

"Найти его" (Find him)


So, I'm not dead. It's just been a wild week.
Also, I might've got bucky's russian phrase wrong, but I tried. I couldn't find out what he was saying bc google wasn't googling.

Anyways, have a good day/night

[1.1] SAPPHIRE, james 'bucky' barnesWhere stories live. Discover now