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Bucky sighed before sitting back on the floor to continue his project. He get that times change, but building things was never this hard in the 40's. He sat up, looked at his left hand, and smiled at a particular piece of jewelry on his finger. Then, grabbed his screwdriver once again to get back to work. He herd a giggle from behind him and turned around.

"Did you even look through the instructions?"

Rhaenyra's voice ran through his ears in a lighthearted tone.

"I glanced at them." He replied, not looking up, but a small smile forming on his lips.

"Y'know, they're there to help you."

"Since when are you one to say that instructions help you? You always say that they're pointless." He said looking up at his wife.

"Well, I-" Rhaenyra was cut off by the sound of crying.

She turned and walked in the direction of it, a smile forming on her face. A beautiful face, Bucky always said.

When she walked away, Bucky let out a small laugh and started screwing the screw in once again.

Just then, Rhaenyra walked in with a baby, who was Bucky's pride and joy, his daughter to be exact.

Born only a few weeks ago, Aspen Pietro Barnes, was the couples first child, and was the child that Bucky was building a crib for; a crib that was giving him a very hard time.

He stood up and grabbed his daughter from her mother and placed a kiss on her head.

"How's my little girl?"

A grin spread across Bucky's face as Aspen let out a giggle.

Only at this time did Bucky notice that Rhaenyra had left the room, that's when he turned back to his daughter.

"Don't tell your mother, but you're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Bucky knew that Aspen wouldn't remember these little conversations he had with her when she grew up, but it didn't matter to him. He always wanted her to know that he loved her.

Meanwhile, Rhaenyra was in an opposite room and listening in on Bucky's whispering. A smile laced her face as she continued to tidy up the room.

She walked back in and took Aspen from Bucky.

"Now, finish her crib and then we can all sleep soundly." Rhaenyra said with an assertive tone.

"Yes, ma'am." Bucky said in a mocking manner, holding his hand to his forehead in a salute.


A few hours later, Bucky walked into the kitchen. Rhaenyra was making a sandwich for Bucky while holding onto Aspen.

Bucky walked over and took Aspen from Rhaenyra and walked back into the nursery. He could soon hear Rhaenyra's footsteps behind him as she caught up to him.

Her mouth fell slightly ajar after looking into the room.

"Oh Bucky, this is perfect."

The walls were painted a light grey color and there were decorations that had accents of a soft baby pink.

Aspen's crib was in the middle of the wall to the couples left. It was a cream color and had a grey and pink pad on it. Under it was a cream colored rug to match. A crib mobile was about six inches from the rim of her crib, and it was littered with simple birds, elephants, and doves.

To the left of the room, there was a small dresser that was a cream color with rustic-looking grey handles on it.

There was also a bookshelf in the corner of the room, scattered with picture and baby books.

There was one shelf in the room, and it sat above the dresser. It had a fake plant on it and a picture of the small family. A small thing Bucky put in the room, but it meant the world to Rhaenyra.

There was a rocking chair in the corner of the room, too. It had a soft baby pink cushion and was a light grey color.

The window was covered with a thicker mesh material, in the color cream.

"Now," Bucky started as he looked at Rhaenyra, "whose hungry?"


Bucky walked into the nursery with his daughter and sat in the chair in the corner in the room as she slept in his arms.

He whispered sweet nothing's in her ears until he noticed the time, he had almost been in there for an hour. And with that, he gently pushed himself off of the chair and walked over to Aspen's crib and set her down in it. As gently and quietly as he could, he walked out of the room and shut the door slightly.

He walked into his living room to see his wife sitting in the couch reading. She looked up when she heard him walk into the room.

"Is she asleep?"

"Oh yeah, very asleep. I think my handiwork did the trick."

Rhaenyra smiled at Bucky before looking back down at her closed book.

"What are your reading?" Bucky asked as he sat down at Rhaenyra and put his arm around her.

"Nothing, just a book that Wanda and I used to read together."

She set the book on the table infront of the as she met Bucky's eyes.

"You really are just amazing. I've told you that, right?" Bucky asked, once again looking at Rhaenyra.

A small blush formed on Rhaenyra's face as she turned to his eyes again.

"Yes, but only once or twice."

Bucky put his hands on either side of her face and they both leaned in for a sweet and passionate kiss.

"You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. In the history of forever." Bucky's words never failed to melt Rhaenyra's heart. No matter how many times he called her beautiful, amazing, or any other compliment, she always felt like it was the first time he said it.

Rhaenyra cupped her hands on part of his face and neck then, leaned in once again and this time the couple shared a long, heartfelt kiss. Accompanied by Bucky's hands sneaking down to Rhaenyra's waist.

Once they pulled away, they held each other. Bucky's hands were on Rhaenyra's waist and Rhaenyra's hands clasped behind his neck. She had laid her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. A steady rhythm that reminded her that everything will be alright.

"I like this."

"Like what?" Bucky asked.

"This. This quiet, peaceful, place. It's nice."

"It is nice, but it's better with you and our beautiful daughter."

Rhaenyra smiled at Bucky's comment. She knew that one day, Bucky would make a great dad.

But, her mood soon changed.

"Y'know, they're gonna try to take us down again, and they're gonna try to hurt Aspen." Rhaenyra said looking at her husband with a serious expression.

Bucky just smiled as he glanced up, then looked back down at his wife.

"I'd like to see them try."


I really hope that you guys liked this bonus chapter. I know that I had a lot of fun writing it!


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