Side Story II: A hard pill to swallow

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Matsuo Eiichiro's POV

I was getting my things ready so I could leave for cram school, the bell indicating the end of school hours had just rang and I had to leave as soon as possible if I wanted to get a good seat there. As I made my way I couldn't stop myself from going to Tsubasa's classroom.

It couldn't be helped as it has been a long time since we hung out and I missed the company of my best friend. I'm not sure when was the last time we hung out or walked home together but I felt that I've been neglecting her.

I didn't have to think too long to reach a conclusion, I'll just treat her to whatever she wants that should work right? I wasn't sure for how long we would hang out but in the worst scenario I'll just lose a day of cram school and spend the money I've been saving for those expensive study books but that was a small sacrifice I was willing to make up for it.

Once I entered the classroom I went to look up for her but to my surprise I found her seat empty so I made my way to her seat to see if her bag was still there. There was a chance that she had just left to help a teacher, unfortunately that wasn't the case as there was no trace of her bag.

I've known Tsubasa for a while and I found her absence strange, she wasn't the kind of student to leave as soon as the bell rangs. In the past we would stay talking before going home together. Did she have something to do? Maybe she has joined a club. No that couldn't be, she would have told me otherwise. I was about to leave when I heard that someone spoke to me.

「If you're looking for Nanase-san, she has already left.」

I looked at the source of the voice, it was a girl. Although I reach the same conclusion it would be impolite if I don't thank her.

「Thank you.」

「It's fine. You must be Matsuo-kun, right?」

「Yes, but how do you know my name?」

I couldn't help but ask, this was the first time I was speaking with this girl and as far as I knew I wasn't someone very popular.

「Nanase-san might have mentioned your name once or twice. Anyway, do you know someone called Kiyotaka-san?」

That question caught me off guard. It was the first time I had heard that name.

「No, did something happen?」

I asked curiously. As far as I knew I was Tsubasa's only male friend.

「Well Nanase-san has been looking lovely these days plus I heard her mutter that name so I thought that she finally had gotten a boyfriend.」

Those words left me speechless. There was no way that was true.

「Hey, are you okay?」

I wasn't sure what kind of face I was making but it should be a bad one to be asked that.

「Y-Yes, I'm fine. I was just surprised.」

I checked the clock on the wall, only five minutes had passed since the end of school hours. If I hurry up I may manage to catch up to Tsubasa.

「Is this the first time she leaves this early?」

「No, she's been doing it the whole week.」

Now that surely is strange, everyday I left as soon as the bell rang. Today was Thursday which means that I had the chance to meet her four times but I didn't. Could she be trying to avoid me? No, there is no way, right?

「Thank you for your help. I'll be going, goodbye.」

「It's fine, Bye Matsuo-kun.」

I was about to leave when I was called again.



「Good luck. You'll need it.」

「Thanks I guess.」

I wasn't sure why she said that but it wasn't time to think about it. I needed to leave so I could chase after Tsubasa.

In the blink of an eye I arrived at the main gate, unfortunately I didn't find any trace of Tsubasa on my way there. I was about to give up when I remembered that I've yet to try the easiest way which would be to just use my phone.

I tried to call her two times without avail, none of my calls were picked up. I had no choice but to give up and try again another day. I took my phone to check the time, it was still early so I could still go to cram school.


I had just finished the test that we were given. I only needed to wait for the bell to ring so I could finally leave. I was hungry and mentally tired, the surprise test had left me totally drained. It was quite difficult and I felt like I didn't give my all. Part of that was thanks to me being worried about my friendship with Tsubasa.

Fortunately I didn't have to wait too long as there were only five minutes left until cram school ends. I could just go home and eat there but it wasn't that frequent that I treated myself to something so I decided to just eat outside as a change of pace.

There were different places where I could eat so I was trying to choose one of them when I remembered that there was a small restaurant where I used to eat. It was a ten minutes walk from where I was, the prices were reasonable and the food was great.

Tsubasa was the one who had told me about it, she had said that she had found it by sheer luck. At first I didn't believe it until I visited it for the first time, it was in an inconspicuous place after all. It was a special place that none of our friends knew.

I was so hungry that the moment I heard the bell rang I took my bag and left the classroom. I was walking at such a fast pace that it didn't take more than five minutes to arrive at the small restaurant. I was planning to sit at the same table Tsubasa and I would always pick.

Once I entered I noticed that the table was occupied, I was about to give up when I recognized the person sitting there. It was Tsubasa, upon seeing her I got the idea to join her until I noticed that she wasn't alone. Sitting with her was a boy who I didn't know. He had brown hair and seemed to have the same age as her.

Suddenly I lost my appetite, I wasn't sure of what I should do. Was she on a date? Did she really get a boyfriend? I had no way to know until I asked her and I felt like I didn't want to know the answers to those questions.

「Oh. If it isn't Eiichiro. Come on and join us.」

I froze on the spot. I thought of leaving discreetly but it seems I've been found.

「Hey, Tsubasa. How are you doing?」

「I'm fine, thank you.」

I couldn't see well from where I was before but for some reason Tsubasa looked really pretty today.

「Kiyotaka-san, this is my friend Eiichiro. We go to the same school.」

「Eiichiro, this is Kiyotaka-san. He's my boyfriend.」

When I heard those words I felt a pain in my chest. I felt like I wanted to run.

「It's a pleasure to meet you, Eiichiro.」

「Nice to meet you too, Kiyotaka.」

「Now that the introductions are done. Come sit with us Eiichiro, we haven't ordered yet.」

Tsubasa said with a big smile plastered on her face.

「I'm fine, I don't want to interrupt your date.」

I could only hope that she would buy it. I just wanted to go home.

「No, we don't mind. Right, Kiyotaka-san?」

「Yes, you can order whatever you want. The bill is on me.」

I couldn't think of another excuse. It seems like it is going to be a long night.

Author's Notes

Hello there, thanks for reading. I'm sorry for not updating for more than a month. I've been really busy but don't worry I've never thought about stopping writing. I still have a lot of ideas so don't give up on this fic.

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