Omake VI: Bad weed never dies

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Third Person's POV

During a cold day, a man in his late forties was walking in the streets of Tokyo. His name was Ayanokouji Atsuomi, a supposed dead man. He had been dead on paper for three years by now.

It was a bitter memory for him, how he had to get rid of everything he had achieved and dreamed of. All the years and resources invested in that place were lost in one day, he regretted every moment.

He blamed Kiyotaka for all of that, he was the culprit of everything. Who would have guessed that the fall of the White Room would come from something that silly. Kiyotaka had posted information of the White Room in several conspiracy sites, in fact that wasn't a problem itself as there were enough conspiracies in the world. However he had shown proof of what he stated.

Short videos of amazing acts that a normal teenager shouldn't be able to were uploaded with each post. To add fuel to the fire, the information wasn't released only in Japan but in all the world, it was an easy feat as Kiyotaka could speak all existing languages.

At first people didn't pay it attention as everyone thought it was fake, they just couldn't believe that a place made to make the perfect human existed. Actually they didn't want to be true but all change during a certain event.

A sixteen year old had broken a world record, some people were skeptical about that achievement. However it had happened during the Olympic games, a public event broadcasted around the world so they could no longer deny it.

Soon some people started to tie the dots, tracking the information back to Japan. That's when all the overseas investors suddenly cut connection with the White Room. He was left with no choice but to diminish the scale of operation.

Some months later he was called by the head of the Naoe faction. They were cutting ties with him, not only the Japanese government was investigating the White Room but the Eugenics Association.

It was no wonder as the White Room's goal was the complete opposite of what the Eugenics Association wanted. He was back to square one, everyone who had participated didn't want to have anything to do with the White Room.

He couldn't believe it, he had managed to show results. They only needed to restart operations somewhere else, in fact they didn't need to go back to the same scale of operation but only use his masterpiece.

Nevertheless no one was willing to do it, it was no secret to those involved in the dark side of the world that the Eugenic Association had no mercy to those who opposed their beliefs. Actually there was a chance that they would come for him and Kiyotaka.

Kiyotaka should be safe for the time being, Sakayanagi would make sure to do it. However the same couldn't be said for him, he was on his own accord. He already had enough enemies so there was a chance they might succeed in getting rid of him.

Without the protection of the Naoe faction he was walking on thin ice, so he was left with no choice but to fake his death. He wasn't going to take the risk of waiting for the Eugenics Association to make the first move.

After faking his death he had to lie low for a couple of years to make it believable. Just to make sure it worked he had gotten rid of every piece of technology he had. He was going to live in the countryside as a normal farmer.

It was the perfect disguise, no one would expect him to be hiding as a farmer. Also it was well known that he didn't like that place so it was a plus. There were going to be tough years for him but he would endure it.

During those years he had more than enough time to plan his return, he had given up on finding investors. He would just use all the money he had accumulated, also his old mansion could be used as the new facility. Little by little everything was fitting.

That's how he found himself in front of his old mansion. He still had the key, carefully he opened the door of the main gate. The date was in the middle of December so he wasn't surprised to find snow everywhere.

The first thing he saw after entering was something he didn't expect, it was his old butler, Matsuo. He was looking at two kids playing in the snow, they were a blond haired boy and a brown haired girl.

「Welcome back Atsuomi-sama.」Matsuo said. He wasn't even looking at him but at the kids playing, like they were the most precious thing in the world.

「Matsuo, huh.」Atsuomi said. There was some amusement in his voice, he didn't expect the sudden turn of events. It seemed that his old mansion had been sold to a wealthy family.

「I'm happy to see you again, Atsuomi-sama.」Matsuo said. There was no trace of lies in his words, he was genuinely happy to see his old employer. The two little kids were looking at Atsuomi curiously though they were a bit scared about his gaze.

「Cut the pleasantries Matsuo, what happened here!」Atsuomi said sternly.

「You haven't changed Atsuomi-sama.」Matsuo said. He had let out a big sigh. It was just as his new master had predicted. The day he employed him, he told him "That man isn't dead, he'll come back one day."

While the two of them were busy, the two little kids had gotten closer. The curiosity over the strange man had won over the fear they felt over him. As they got closer Atsuomi could have a better view of their features.

He was left speechless, the boy looked exactly like Kiyotaka. It was like he was back in the past, the only difference was the color of the hair. On the other hand the girl only shared the color of the eyes.

「Are those...?」Atsuomi said. Excitement could be felt in his voice.

「Indeed, they're Kiyotaka-sama's kids.」Matsuo said happily.

This was a gift from heaven. He was in need of new test subjects after all. Just imagining what he could achieve with them was making him smirk. Suddenly he heard a door being opened, and Atsuomi looked at who it was.

It was Kiyotaka. Despite haven't seen him in five years, he didn't look like he had aged at all. He thought that he would at least spare him a glance but he completely ignored him.

「Kids, it's time for dinner.」Kiyotaka said. Those words were enough to catch the attention of the kids, they ran towards their father. Taking each one of his hands, a couple of seconds later he heard the sound of a door getting closed.

「Atsuomi-sama, please follow me.」Matsuo said.

He was in a good mood so he followed Matsuo without questions. For the time being he would play along, after all those kids were going to be the key to achieving his dream. Unfortunately he wasn't prepared for what he was about to see.

Author's notes

Hello there, thank you for reading. Surprise surprise, it's my Christmas gift. It was supposed to be longer but the spoilers from vol 0 had me change more than half of it. In fact it was supposed to be about Atsuomi changing thanks to his time in solitude, how he could be a bad father but also a good grandpa lol.

Speaking of vol 0, I can't wait to read it. By the way there is already a translation of a part of chapter one. There's still half an hour until Christmas here but, happy merry christmas.That's all folks, see you next year. 

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