Chapter XVI: The more the merrier

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's POV

「I have an announcement to make, your classmate Sudo Ken has been expelled.」Chabashira-sensei said.

I wasn't surprised about a student being expelled as that was something I had thought was common. During my participation in the entrance ceremony, I had a good view of all the students present. From up there, it was easy to pinpoint the lack of students in certain classes of the seniors.

At first I thought it was a coincidence as there are always some people who would just skip the entrance ceremony but taking in consideration the prestige of the school I found it hard to believe.

Also when I visited Class 2-B the number of desks missing matched the number of missing students I had counted. The same thing happened in my classroom, there was an empty spot where the desk of the expelled student should be.

「Chabashira-sensei, can you tell us why?」Someone said politely. It was a blonde haired boy, I didn't know his name thanks to missing homeroom the day before. Actually the only people I knew were Tsubasa and Kikyo.

「Does it matter? The decision has already been made and Sudo is no longer in the school.」Chabashira-sensei said sternly.

As far as I was aware, the day before they only had homeroom. So there was no doubt that whatever caused the expulsion of Sudo happened outside the school. Just what could have happened?

「Of course it does sensei! The school might have made a mistake.」Hirata said. Going by the tone of his voice he was desperate. I couldn't understand why he was acting that way, it was just one student getting expelled.

「That's not possible Hirata. The school doesn't make mistakes.」Chabashira-sensei said. The tone of voice she had used made it impossible to argue.

I couldn't agree more with her claims, I had seen security cameras all over the campus. Although there were some places where there were none like the floor where my apartment was located or the rooftop.

「Now let's start homeroom.」

Asahina Nazuna's POV

I had just entered my classroom, starting today we were officially Class A. If someone were to ask me if I was happy I would say yes, but that wouldn't be my real thoughts. I didn't like the way Miyabi had done it.

In fact just remembering his name gave me headaches, he was so unbearable that if I were given the chance to change classrooms I would do it in a heartbeat. However I would regret it as I would leave my classmates to deal with him.

As I made my way to my seat I greeted my classmates, however on the way there I noticed that there were three empty seats. Those seats belonged to the three idiots of the class, they followed Miyabi's whims without hesitation. Fuka-chan liked to call them Nagumo's lapdogs.

Usually I would hang out around Miyabi to keep him under control but yesterday I spent the whole day with Fuka-chan, Kiyotaka, Tsubasa-chan and Kikyo-chan. So I wouldn't be surprised if Miyabi made them do something that had gotten them in trouble.

Actually I would spend less time around Miyabi so I couldn't help but feel sorry for those poor souls that would get dragged into his whims. Unfortunately for them my happiness came first and that happiness was next to Kiyotaka.

Thinking about Kiyotaka makes me feel happy, our encounter was the work of fate. It might sound cheesy but that was the truth. He was the one, my soulmate. I was lost in thought until I heard the door being opened, it was my homeroom teacher who didn't look pleased.

「Good morning students I had an announcement to make, three of your classmates have been suspended.」He said sternly.

I couldn't believe it, I took the day off and this is what happens? I looked at Miyabi, he looked shocked like he didn't expect this outcome. Of course you don't, you think that everything would work in the way you want!

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