Aidan's Journal: 10/17/17

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Day 1-2, October 17th, 2017.


Something's going on in this manor. The tailor goes missing, and Bayla's acting a little off, even if I've only known her for a day. Though, it does seem I have a certain power. When Drew used his orbs, or was even present near me, I could smell a foul stench, and now, I'm smelling a different foul stench here. I'm going to assume that I can smell something related to controlling people, but I can't confirm this just yet.

Learning how to use my flames better is going to be a large help here. I might have to fight a countless number of maids pretty soon. Though, if this is what I think it is, I just have to find that kidnapper, and I should be fine. The wings, the poison, the scratches, the stab hole... They share similarities to both bugs and birds, so I can't tell what's really going on with them. I'll just have to find them, maybe ask around the maids to see if any of them have a stinger. It might be dangerous, but if I can make them show themselves, well, I've already won at that point.

DriDo is the real problem here. I can't let the old man's grandkid get taken, and I have no plans to let it happen. I plan to train more tomorrow and keep my investigation on the down low. I don't know how many maids have been taken, but I can certainly find out which ones are.

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