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"Has Rory been acting weird lately?" Steve asked Wanda as the two of them sparred in the warehouse. "Really?" Wanda questioned as she ducked down to avoid Steve's punch and got back up. "I haven't noticed." Steve frowned at Wanda, rolling forward to avoid Wanda's psionics from hitting him.

"Wanda," Steve pressed as he got back up. Wanda still kept quiet, quickly getting off the mat they had set up for training. Steve frowns.

Wanda had to avoid Steve at all costs, she didn't want to accidentally spill the beans of Aurora's pregnancy. It's only been about a week since the two had learned she was pregnant. And Aurora hasn't told Steve yet.

At first, Steve hardly noticed it. But by the third day, he noticed how his wife slowly distanced herself. Pulling away from any affection he gave her to just look down in this lost confused state. Steve knows she talks to Wanda since she's near, and she's also called Natasha and Veronica, but she doesn't seem to want to tell him what was wrong. It was starting to worry him because that wasn't how his wife ever acted.

"Wanda!" Steve called after the redhead who swiftly turned around, hands behind her back, a fake smile plastered on her face. "Hm?"

"Do you know what's wrong with Aurora?" Steve asked again and Wanda again shook her head.


To be honest, Wanda had no idea when her friend was going to tell Steve the truth. He was clearly getting suspicious. Aurora was freaking out, and now they were almost always together whenever Steve wasn't around because Wanda already knew, and so far, confided only in her.

Aurora wanted to tell Steve, but the time was just never right. But Wanda thought she was probably just deflecting because she was scared. "But you would tell me if something was wrong with her?" Since she clearly isn't telling me, Steve thought.

Wanda nods, oh how she hated lying to him. "Right." Steve wasn't as convinced as he should be, but Wanda ran away before he could ask her any more questions.

───── ⋆⋅☀️⋅⋆ ─────

"Maybe she's just out of the honeymoon phase?" Sam suggested to Steve as they looked over the details of a new mission. They haven't been just hanging out around, they've been taking on some simple missions whenever they find stuff. It was simple stuff like retrieval of stolen weapons, and other similar stuff.

Steve shakes his head. "No that's not it." Not even a week ago they were still in the honeymoon phase. "Maybe she just wants some space?" Sam suggested again, however even as he said it, he found it unbelievable. If Steve and Aurora weren't together, they were either working or with their friends.

Steve shrugged at the suggestion. "I don't know." That's what he thought in the beginning to but now this many days in he didn't think that was the case. 

"Dude why don't you just talk to her?"

Steve knew that was what he should do. But whenever he tried to, she would shut him down. Whatever was going on with her was worrying him.

"Have you tried talking to Natasha or Wanda?" Sam suggested as he rolled up the map of Afghanistan. Where the mission was. If Steve was worrying about Aurora there had to be a
reason why. Sam hadn't noticed much change in Aurora demeanor, she always talked to him and acted like herself.

If Aurora wasn't herself as Steve is saying, she might have told her best friends what was troubling her or something. Sam doubted it was because of some fight with Steve, the only fight they ever had was when Steve didn't tell her about what really happened to Tony's parents and Aurora felt that made seem like a hypocrite when they defended Bucky. But they had resolved that ages ago.

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