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"GET THIS BLOODY KID OUT OF ME!" Aurora screamed after yet another contraction. "I still can't see the head." The doctor told Aurora and Steve. He was sent from Wakanda from T'Challa, knowing they would need a doctor. 

Aurora screamed from the exhaustion she felt from trying to push the baby out, she was crushing Steve's hand, but he could hardly notice due to his nervousness. Wanda on the other hand very much felt the bones in her hand being crushed.

"How much longer." Aurora pants as Veronica used her powers to put out yet another fire started from the baby. Yes, fire powers. The surrounding forest area was kind of more or less the same. The supernatural anomaly that was being caused by the baby's powers, was a forest fire. "Steve, I love you, but I am not having another kid after this." Aurora told her husband mid scream.

Steve couldn't tell if she was serious or not, but she probably was. "I can see the head!" The doctor exclaims. "Rory, that means you have to push!" Natasha and Veronica exclaimed simultaneously to their blonde friend.

"OH NO!" Aurora shouts, shaking her head as she continues to squeeze Steve and Wandas hands. "I can't do it!"

"Rory, you're breaking my hand!" Wanda exclaimed as she tried to fight the pain of her hand being destroyed by the Asgardian. Veronica came over and took her hand, numbing most of it with her ice so Wanda wouldn't feel the pain as much. "Thanks. Now, Rory, you can totally do this!"

Aurora shakes her head. "No, I can't!" Aurora cried, she actually cried. She hadn't thought about any of this since she found out she was pregnant. Now that she was actually this close to being a mother, she couldn't help remember her own mother. When Aurora imagined becoming a mother, she imagined her mother was going to be there holding her hand. But she wasn't.

Her father wasn't her, neither was Loki or Thor. She wasn't home. She knows she shouldn't complain about that, she had her beloved husband and her friends around her but she still felt sad. "I can't do this."

Steve shakes his head in disagreement, "Yes you can."

"Yeah I don't think so!"

"Rory, you've defeated hundreds of enemies before!" Kilorn reminds her. "You can deal with childbirth!"

Aurora laughed in disbelief before screaming. "Oh you try having a bloody super soldier baby trying to claw its way out of you!!"

Kilorn grimaces. "Fair point."

Aurora screams from unbelievable pain and let's go of Wanda's hand to promptly tell everyone to scram. "Everyone gets out!"

None of them thought she was serious, but she was. "Get out!" A small fire erupted in the bathroom trash can, that was only noticeable because of the amount of smoke that came out from it. "Heilige Scheiße!" TRANSLATION: Holy shit! Veronica cursed as she and Kilorn ran to the bathroom to put it out.

"We'll be outside then." Sam muttered when he realized getting her upset probably wasn't the best idea.

"You're doing great!" Natasha tried to give her friend words of encouragement before following Sam out of the room. When the small fire was dealt with, Kilorn gave Aurora a thumbs up since he really didn't know what to say and went to wait outside with the others.

"Okay we've got growing forest fires happening outside," Veronica said as she walked back in the room, she checked on her watch to see the news reports of said "spontaneous" forest fire. Veronica looked at the couple and opened the door. "I am going to go and deal with those before your baby burns down the entire thing."

Veronica quickly left to go do that, and Wanda was going to follow her before Aurora grabbed her hand again. "Oh no, you're staying." If Aurora wanted anyone else here it was definitely Wanda who had been by her side since the beginning of this. She wasn't leaving now.

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