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Maya's POV

                 "So... how does this change things. I honestly don't know where you're going with this Larry." A lump forms in my throat but I force it out of the way. I want to believe what he's saying but something doesn't sit well with me. Growing up with him, I at least know he can push the blame on someone else to free himself. Maybe he's running bankrupt or maybe the police somehow got to know about his illegal activities and so he's pushing all this on Jeff's father. Smart man.

                 "Will you just give him the chance to finish what he was saying?" William sitting next to me says and I give him the death glare. He returns it with the same intensity as mine or even more so I shift my gaze back to Larry. He is as scary as me.

                   "Let me give you the benefit of doubt here so I get to ask you questions and I need honest answers cause if you don't... I am in the mood to hurt someone so badly." I take the seat and pull it much closer to Larry. I sit in front of him and stare him directly in the eye.

                  "First question, who killed mom?" Calmly without blinking his eyes he answers.

                   "Lincoln." He must be joking if he thinks I will fall for his lies.

                     "Liar. Camaya saw you point the gun at her." I saw that from the random memories that have been flooding my mind these days. Weird.

                      "True, she did see me point the gun at her but didn't see me pull the trigger. The gun wasn't even loaded since the only bullet that was in it was fired while we struggled for the gun." Without breaking his line of sight he answers. So calm it makes me ball my fists. Something tells me to trust him but I don't know why I can't.

                     "Why were you and mom fighting?"

                     "She didn't like the way I was dealing with Lincoln and his business. She was also tired of always having to meet William in secret, always watching her back to make sure she was safe, always having to look out for you just so you could be safe. I was planning that day to bring Lincoln down but she didn't approve of the method I was going to use."

                     "Of course she wouldn't."

                     "She found me in the basement then with some... uh crucial evidence I could use against Lincoln without him knowing it was me. I wanted to keep my family safe."

                    "Yeah right." I jeer and for the first time I see a reaction from him. He balls his fist and tightens his jaw. I see anger flash in his eyes but for only a while. It's the first time in my entire existence to have gotten a reaction from him. I almost thought he never had any feelings.

                  "I did everything I thought was the safest way for my family. I don't care if any of you acknowledge it or not. I know I hurt Immy and put her in a compromising position sometimes but I don't regret anything. I only regret never being able to save her but if that's what it  took to keep the both of you safe then am sure she isn't mad at me." Speaking of, I briefly had forgotten he mentioned William earlier.

                  "You mentioned William earlier, what does he have to do with anything?"

                  "He is my son, your brother." All blood drains from my face, no my whole body. For a flash moment everything feels hot. I get sweaty and it seems the air was just knocked out of my lungs. I look behind me where the guy in question is seated. He doesn't even seem fazed or just as shocked as I am. I am practically hyperventilating right now and there he seats like nothing happened. Thinking of it, from the very beginning when Larry started with his story, he was calm, like... like he knew everything. Funny, of course he knew.

                       "Why am I the last to know this because clearly everyone in this room knows everything. Even you Walker?" I ask which I don't mean too because by his serious face expression he seems to know everything.

                         "Well, don't drag me with them. I was only doing what I was told." He puts both his hands up in surrender with a sly smile across his face. Stupid. I actually feel like smacking him right now.

                         "So, let's say William is your son Larry. Why doesn't anyone know? Why am I the child that's known to the world?" I turn to face Larry, folding my arms. Let's see what he's got to say.

                      "I failed to meet Lincoln's demands and he threatened to kill my child the moment it was born. Word got to me and so the day William was born, I exchanged him with one of the children that happened to have died and gave him to one of the nurses on duty then. She took care of him for two years and your mother and I would always visit him in secret just so he wouldn't be found by Lincoln and possibly killed. Later the lady died and I had to take him back. I raised him together with the boys that Lincoln would always bring to the camp. I had to treat him the same way I treated the others and that's why no one has a clue that he never died the day he was born."

   Well this is too much for one to take, in one day. My world has been turned upside down. Everything I believed in was a lie, everything. The looks on the three men's faces say that what I have just been told is the complete truth. Larry, my father, wasn't the villain. He was doing what he was told to do. Someone stronger than him had him cornered and he did things he isn't proud of. He has to sacrifice being a good husband, a good father just to keep me and my... my... William safe.

  I don't realize I've been crying until Larry is beside me, kneeling right in front of me wiping my tears. I push him away and run out of the building. My chest feels so tight, I can barely get any air in. I hold on to my chest, from the stabbing pain I feel, try to grasp for air as hard as I possibly can but it seems much more difficult with the pain I feel in my chest. Memories that aren't mine come flashing in front of me. William's green eyes, his black shinny hair just the same as dad's. I had thought they looked alike but I thought I was just making sense out of nothing. I thought I was just bored out of my mind that I was imaging things. The memories leave just as fast as they came and I realize it's Camaya's memory. These days I have been receiving these weird strange flash backs and now I know Camaya is telling me something. The pain in my chest increases ten fold knowing that what Larry said inside there is true. Everything he said was real and true. Does that mean I was a mistake? That I shouldn't have existed? The cold January air sweeps over me giving a cold icy chill but thankfully it helps me breath a little.

  I force my feet and move my body towards the cars. I find my car and hop right in. It was brought earlier when Larry hadn't even begun telling us what happened years ago. I drive towards the only place I know I can think. Millers'. 

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