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Peter held a microchip up to May. "I got it. I did it, I did it. Uh... would you send him up?" he asked.

"Here we go," May smiled.

Parker was trying to cure Otto, but you weren't sure that it would work. Otto was struggling with every touch, and he refused to be cured. And how was Parker sure that this would even work? It could kill Otto for all he knows. It could kill you also. Maybe it would kill everyone in the room. Hah, as if you'd let that happen.

Peter was now standing on the stairs above Otto, and tossed his lab glasses to May, but he missed. "Sorry!" he exclaimed.

Otto's tentacles lifted him up to Peter's level. "Hold on, Doc," May spoke.

"Oh, will these humiliations never cease?!" Otto complained.

Peter started to approach Otto. "You! Keep your science fair project away from me!" 

Norman looked up at Otto and Peter. "Hey, it'll work. Have faith."

"Says the reckless fool who turned himself into a monster."

"I suppose you should give the spider a chance," You sighed.

Otto struggled against Peter's grip. He was not willing to give Peter, or anyone a chance. Maybe once he was cured he would be more willing to trust everyone. But you sided with him on this one. Peter didn't have your full trust yet.

"Please stop moving your head. Hold still," Peter requested.

"Don't you dare," Otto spat.

Everyone watched anxiously as Otto kept squirming. "I swear, when I get out of this, we're gonna rip you a new-" Otto started.

He was cut off when a chip was attached to him. He passed out from it. "Doc?" Peter aksed.

Max looked concerned, as you were. "Parker, I swear if you killed him-" You started angrily.

Peter was freaking out. "Doc? Doc?! ...Doctor Octavi-"

Otto awoke with a gasp, and he lifted his head in amazement. "It's so quier. Those voices... inside my head... I'd almost forgotten."

"Otto?" Norman asked.

"Yes, Norman..."

Otto was lowered back onto the ground with his tentacles.

"It's me," Otto spoke, smiling for the first time since he was here.

Peter jumped down to the floor everyone else was on. "Impressive, Parker," You commented.

He smiled and his face had a bit of pink on it. He was proud. "Would you look at that," Sandman muttered.

Otto held out his hand to Peter. "I'm grateful, dear boy. Truly."

As they shook hands, Peter smiled. "Yeah, you're welcome."

"How can I help?

Max already had something hooked up to him, and Sandman was sitting with him. Otto and Norman were in the lab together, and you didn't know where May was. You sat on the couch next to Peter.

"I told you it would work," Peter smirked.

"Oh, whatever, Peter."

"You called me Peter."

"What are you talking about, Parker?"

He laughed. "You'll let me cure you?"

"I suppose so. But if it doesn't work..." You answered.

"You'll 'kill' me. I know you wouldn't do that to me."

"Maybe you're right."

"Come with me to the lab, I'm going to work on your and Sandman's cure," Peter offered.

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