chapter 4

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Author pov.


Today weather is windy...... yibo who is on bed  slowly open his eyes...... he sit and rub his eyes to adjust the light.... he yank.... and stood up and walk toward bathroom and do his morning routine.......... after some minutes he come out and wear his locket......

After that he go toward his wardrobe...he pick his cloth and wear it..

he pick his cloth and wear it

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(Yibo outfit)

He come to kitchen to make breakfast...... yibo want to eat  light breakfast... so he makes  simple American breakfast.. and also make his favorite strawberry milkshake....

 and also make his favorite strawberry milkshake

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(Yibo breakfast)

(Yibo favorite strawberry milkshake)

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(Yibo favorite strawberry milkshake)

Yibo silently eating his breakfast.... suddenly his phone ring....yibo saw the caller ID... which show Jackson name... he pick up the call...


*hello.... yibo*


*actually I am in big problem .... please help me......*

"What problems you have? Don't tell me you take some Banana milkshake from your baby glass.....  she hit you so much that your ass cheek  is swollen...... "

* of course not... why would I repeat that thing....I don't want to die... *

" so what problem have you caused for yourself..?"

*actually yibo I forget that today is our anniversary....and right now I remember *

"OH..  so you want to tell that today is your anniversary.... friend... ok bye..."

* wait yibo*

" what?"

*Actually I remember that I promise my baby to spent a whole day with her..... but today is first day of freshmen........ but I can't break my promises... if I do my baby will never talk to me.....*

"OH..  that the problem..... so what you want from me"

*yibo please...can you take my all class and didn't tell principal... if he would know he will definitely cut some money from my salary *

"What..... are you crazy.... what if that principal caught me and you ask me to not tell the principal... if he know that he will throw me our from the university .... no way.. I will not  do it..."

* yibo please... request..... my Bobo... my didi... please... baby please....*

" ok I will do it but don't say this lovely words for me..... it sound horrible......and I also want something in return too.."

*ok .... and thank you... but what you want from me?*

"Delete my ugly photos from your phone "

* Hahaha.... ok my bobo"

" hey... don't call me Bobo...."

* ok my little kitten... and thank you once more... bye*

"Hmm... bye"

After that yibo cut the call.. he take a deep sigh and finish his breakfast and wash the dishes .... after that he lock the house and walk toward the bus stand...... he take the bus and reach the university................

Yibo saw  students are going to  their class... yibo first period is free so he is going to staff room suddenly  an another teacher approach him... that teacher said

"Mr wang ... can you take my first class in freshmen class " said that teacher

"Hmm... why..?" Yibo said...

" Actually.. I have to go home immediately " said that teacher..

"But why?" Yibo said..

" Actually Mr wang... my mother condition is not well... so I have to go...after some minutes I will come back... I will take my other class... but please take this one " said the teacher...

Hearing his explanation... yibo slowly nodded his head....the teacher say  thank you to  yibo ........ after that teacher leave the spot.....yibo sigh and he move toward the freshmen class......
To take their first class......

In freshmen class...

" zhan what are you doing" fanxing said...

"Nothing .... I am making trap for that  lecturer who scold me without listen to me and I hear that today is first class.........he should know that we are not normal students... who will sacred of them...." zhan said  ..

"But zhan if  that professor complain the what we will do.. "  zhoucheng Said..

" cheng ... you don't know that .... don't you remember.. no one can punish me..ok..... do you remember our previous teacher we do many prank but they didn't do anything to us  ..... and what  that  previous principal do .....hmm....." zhan said...

"Zhan...we remember... but they are different from our previous teacher" ziyi said...

" oh.. come... don't tell what to do... just wait and enjoy.." zhan explain...

His friend including his brother sigh because they know that zhan will not listen to them.....

Zhan stand on chair near the door and he place the bucket of water on the door ....... if door open the whole water fall on that person who open the door...

After making sure that bucket placed perfectly........he come down and sit in his enjoy the upcoming drama.....

Yibo reach the door of class....he take deep Breath and open the door... when he open the door the whole water full of bucket fall on him...... yibo yelled  which freeze the whole class....


Hi you like the chapter....
Ahh.. zhan what did u do.... I think zhan is not gonna to go easily from yibo..... whatever......want to know what gonna to happen... so Wait for next chapter....... I will try to update it soon....bye...

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