chapter 11

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Zhan pov.

After dinner we all go to the bedroom..
Today my friends will stay....

I placed myself on my bed....and started to scrolling my phone....

Suddenly I saw a video where me is beating that man and teacher wang is standing there.....

I close the video immediately and close my eyes....whatever happens in club replaying in my mind....

Why do I's not my matter.. right? I always ignore when this type of thing happen....but why I find difficult to ignore it this time? Why why...

Maybe I love to annoyed him... that's why I don't want other to annoy him...
Yes...yes...this is why...."

But when I take stand for him....instead of prasing.....he slap me.....and to the worst in public....I feel embarrass....
I am so angry on him... how can he dare to slap me.....I am mad on him....

I don't know when I sleep while thinking about the thing which is roaming around the mind....

Next morning....

I wake up when alarm started to rings...
I hid my head under the pillow and tries to stop that fucking alarm who is disturbing my sleep......I tries but alarm is not stop... so I threw the alarm but wait....I didn't hear breaking sound....and it still ringing..

I take out my head from under the pillow and saw ziyi with smirk...

Wait a minute....what is she doing in my room? In early morning? She have my heart design no.. shit .... my pink with heart design underwear is in that bitchy ziyi' s hand.......

I immediately run to grab my underwear.....if she take out my underwear and shows to my jerks friends.... no no I can't take more embarrassment......

I run in speed to grab it...but she hid the underwear behind her.....I tries to grab it....but no use....

How can she so clever....I am fucking a alpha but can't able to take my favorite pink underwear from that bitchy ziyi...

I stop when my tries is failed.....I look at her and said...

"Ziyi.... give me my underwear "

"OH....our zhan is a pinky boy.....he wear heart design cute.."

Oh so embarrassing...this bitch....but right now I can't able to do so...because this bitchy ziyi have my underwear...
Oh God....why is always me...

"Ziyi.... give me my underwear "

She ignore my question and said...
"OH...I am use my name...
Before you said... bitchy, witchy, stupid, dumbo and many I wonder..why you didn't say these words for me?"

Hearing her....I feel like killing her but I can't because my jie like ziyi..... jie never told us that she likes ziyi or not....
But her eyes she look at ziyi...
Anyways... right now the most important thing for is my underwear...
Suddenly a idea popped in my mind...

She still hiding behind her....
I said to distracted her

" are here"

"Jie ?" Ziyi said and turn to look behind
I immediately took the chance a snatch my pink underwear from her...

"Zhan...this is distracted me  "

I roll my eyes and show her my middle finger (I am sure you understand by middle finger......but I don't know if this offense you if this offense please.........Don't hate .....I didn't mean to offense anyone......please forgive this poor author )

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