1. Kiss Me

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Their gaze on eachother burned with intense desire as both of them refused to break the eye contact.

Unexpectedly, their nose became only few inches away. They were able to listen to the sound of eachother's breathes brushing over eachother's lips.

Jimin could sense the level of the sexual tension, that he tried pretend he didn't feel, increasing in the room, while the other man before him didn't utter a single word for minutes now and only continued to stare at him like he wanted to kiss him the next second.

The due were playfully fighting over the bed, like they'd usually do to make eachother laugh. But things turned to be different when they started teasing eachother with words and suddenly with touches until they stopped and found themselves here now; with Jimin laid on his back, propped up on his elbows against the mattress and Jungkook sitting on his hips, their lower part pressed against one another.

The thirst inside Jungkook's look made Jimin's throat dry, causing more desires to flow through him, hot and fast like the new energy running between them right now.

Jungkook clicked his tongue against his teeth. Jimin couldn't just look longer. His eyes closed and leaned his head closer, till their forehead connected. He let his head raise a bit until their lips were at the same line, feeling their breathes getting heavier.

Their eyes getting fixed on eachother's lips almost instantly, Jimin watched Jungkook reach out his hand to hold his nape and take his tongue out, daringly licking him with the tip of it over his lower lip right across.

A chilling fire set within Jimin. His gaze dropped to their lower half and for a short moment observe with his eyes Jungkook's hips dangerously connected to his. His mind yet, was filled with the feeling of Jungkook's warm breathes brushing over his lips, until he looked up at him once again, seeing in his eyes the same fire he felt.

He forget what they were on about before they end up here.

Jimin didn't complain at all. But he doubted Jungkook do such move.

First because they were supposed to be just best friends and second because Jungkook had someone in his life- But now that Jimin realized the other didn't mind use his tongue on his lips, the craving for a deep kiss arose within him that he found himself biting his own lip for wanting to hold Jungkook's face and do it.

The urge to do so was huge. But with his both elbows supporting him up, he couldn't. Yet, neither did he dare move his head closer to kiss him. Because he was still not sure if Jungkook wanted it too. They have been so playful towards eachother lately, so that lick across his lip could be just another playful move from Jungkook and he actually wasn't thinking of kissing his best friend.

Jimin thought so. But Jungkook's stare told completely a different story and Jimin knew those eyes couldn't be lying.

Jungkook was looking as if he was asking him for a hungry kiss by just a stare.

"Great.." Jimin rolled his eyes, whispering. ".. right when i tried hard not be a hoe-"

A breathy chuckle escaped Jungkook's lips, knowing that Jimin got the hint. So he took a moment to slide one hand under Jimin's shirt and as he bit onto his own lower lip, he stroked his abdomen up to his chest, making Jimin's mouth shut again, and unable to utter a thing.

His head was starting to become empty, letting the warm touch of Jungkook's plam and fingers on his skin fill his mind instead.

Not flinching at all. But Jimin's breath hitched quietly and his lips fell slightly apart to the feeling of Jungkook's thumb teasing his nipple, moving in circular motions around the areola. He wasn't weak for it, but the sensation began to mess with him, specially when his eyes locked on Jungkook's lips again that were dangerously close to his.

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