8. Sweetheart

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Later in the evening Jimin took a shower and right after wearing his hoodie went to a nearby hypermarket, buying the ingredients he needed to the dishes he had in mind make for dinner later.

Once he was home back to Jungkook, Jimin placed all the grocery bags on the countertop in the kitchen and started cooking by first taking the chickens out of the bag, cutting and washing them.

Jimin continued with placing chicken breasts in a pot and covering them with water and while letting them simmer to make a chicken salad later, he started with making the dish for dinner.

Maybe Jungkook was still listening to music in his room that he hasn't heard him yet, Jimin thought; not caring much because he wanted to cook for both of them now and finish as soon as possible because for God sake he was starving.

Jungkook might be too by now anyway.

Placed one teaspoon of oil in a large pan and heat. Added broccoli, mushrooms and bell pepper. Cooked for minutes. Transferred them to a plate and covered them with foil to keep warm.

Jimin was good at cooking different dishes and not just Korean. And he thanked his mother for that.

Not that he was interested in cooking to learn it from her or anything. But as a teenager he used to love spending time helping her in the kitchen just to spend more time chatting with her about alot of things. His mother was his best friend and for him, nothing eased him better than those hours at that time. Because Jimin couldn't just talk with her, but let anything out whenever he wasn't feeling his best.

Jimin put chicken in the pan in a single layer next, seasoned with salt and pepper to taste and cooked for about ten minutes before adding the garlic.

Right as he started adding the warm vegetables back to the pan with the cooked chickens, he heared footsteps approaching him. And when he looked to the side, he met Jungkook's smiley face at him. Second, noticing the white see through shirt he was wearing.

"I smelled food," Jungkook stood, looking at the bags and all the ingredients on the counter, quickly shifting his gaze back to Jimin, asking, "You went grocery shopping?!"

"Mhm," Jimin replied with a slight nod of his head, combining the vegetables with the cooked chicken well. "We need to eat after all and you have almost nothing in the kitchen and fridge Jungkook."

Jungkook's shoulders loosened and he let out a sigh after looking to the side in slight disappointment, "Right, i had no time to go to any grocery store honestly. And it's not my concern since i always eat at work. It's only Sunday I'm home and for lunch i just eat anything. Like.. macaroni, rice, mangoes?" Jungkook rolled his eyes to his own words while Jimin shook his head lightly in disbelief.

"Got used to it."

"That's when you decide to live alone when you're bad at cooking,"

"I'm- I'm just not so good, pff," Jungkook stood closer, watching Jimin move from here to there as he cooked, "but i really thought we'll agree to order food later on. But that's so sweet of you Jimin thank you, really."

"Aw Jungkook," Jimin replied with a sweet smile after getting a small bowl, "don't mention it, we're friends, and honestly? I wanted to cook for you. I'm pretty sure you don't eat much of healthy foods. Not here, neither at work."

With a soft faint smile, Jungkook stood closer to Jimin and said nothing to watch him carefully, how he whisked together chicken broth, sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil and finally the cornstarch.

"I'm making chicken salad later as well, for you to have tomorrow at work."

His smile turned a little sweet there and replied, "That's so sweet of you."

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