13. Drives Me Crazy

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The man's hand reached for his perfume on the dressing table, bringing it up and with a slight tilt of his head, he sprayed it on both sides of his neck near his ears. Next, his chest over the tank top he wore and both wrists.

His pretty sharp monolid eyes turned towards the mirror to meet Jungkook's reflection; glancing at him sitting there on the bed, his back leaning against the headboard.

Just another night four days later, he was relaxing there after cleaning the pet's room, providing them food and water, feeding them and taking a shower himself.

Jungkook looked at Jimin's direction, seeing in the mirror the soft smile he displayed on his face and all of the sudden he became lost in the fragrance emanated from him that he skipped few breathes just to inhale it; that pleasant scent of Jimin's cologne he always adored.

The more impatient he grew with Jimin's slow steps approaching him. That very short moment felt like he had to wait for years until have his friend against him and smell him the longest it takes him to have enough, although everytime Jungkook was more addicted to Jimin's scent.

And not just his cologne, but even the relaxing warmth that comes from him and his breathes whenever they're hugging, touching, cuddling or making love that always had the ability to make a stir warm in his belly.

Literally Jungkook didn't ask for Jimin to be so hot like that and seductive.

Jimin wore a black tank top that was tugged into his light brown cargo pants. And for him, just a simple gray sweatpants and nothing on top.

Seconds later and the due found their seat in eachother's embrace. Jimin the one on Jungkook's thighs because both agreed he is the light one so no one will be heavy on the other one.

Lips against lips and with that Jimin's scent ensnared in Jungkook senses coming from both his neck, and hands that swallowed him in his warmth.

Pulling back slowly to move further, Jungkook's chin rested in the crook of Jimin's neck, smelling him more.

His masculine fragrance combined the warmth Jungkook loved with the spice he craved. Natural and manly, his scent featured the richness of leather and the earthiness of agarwood.

The room smelled of it; the sexy combination of oud, leather, wood, and spices. How could Jungkook control himself not fall more addicted to this while his whole body adored it, that was the question.

With his fingertips of his inked hand running up Jimin's spine until reached his hair and massaged his scalp, gently like that rubbing their cheeks against one another causing Jimin to break the silence with a tenuous giggle that evoked a twisted smile from the other.

"Looks like someone wants to be cuddled tonight." worded in low whispers, and the tone was tender.

Jungkook however planted a few soft kisses on his shoulder and neck, answering in a quiet voice, "I just want to cuddle with you, touch and feel you, till i smell like you."

And Jimin fulfil. With no rush.

Tightening his forearms around his sides, pulling him close enough for his arms to wrap his bare back and for fingers to draw different shapes on it then start leaving slow butterfly kisses below his ear, Jungkook's almost most sensitive spot which fluttered his eyes for a second and caused him grab firmly into Jimin's hips.

The more Jimin kissed there the more Jungkook felt tingles which were also caused by his scent that he reacted moving his head back, kissing Jimin's lips deeply a second before looking into his eyes. Yet, failing to hide that slight pink shade on his cheeks he felt.

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