18. Maybe

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To the sound of a vacuum cleaner Jimin woke up the next morning, taking seconds to regain his concentrate, only to find himself on the same couch in the living room, in a weird position, hair messy and lips slightly chapped.

Totally not remembering how he ended up here or why the hell half of his shirt's buttons were opened. But neither questioned himself about it as he took a look around to see maids filling the room, vecummming and cleaning up last night's mess.

Shutting his eyes close in disbelief, Jimin only hoped he didn't embarrass himself before for whatever reason he decided sleeping here. And prayed it was him opening his buttons and no one else, to find fun in touching him or some kind of nasty shit some drunk people would do.

He Fixed his shirt with a little regent in his eyes. For coming here in the first place. But whatever.

After washing his face, the maids offered him a cup of tea and pancakes, he quickly finished eating and left their house before having to face RyuJin's family and feel more embarrassed.

Now however, he stopped in front of the elevator's doors, in the apartment where Jungkook lived, looking at the time on the clock above.


Not bad. Jungkook should be either preparing to go to work now or it's his day off.

Jimin pressed the lift button after stepping inside the elevator and let out a sigh, watching the doors close, allowing the silence inside to open his mind for thoughts to pass through.

First thinking of Jungkook's reaction to see him now; not like Jimin had to ask for permission to leave his place though, but he didn't answer his call nor massage.

Jimin didn't want to though. Specially not when he was frustrated, overwhelmed and stressed. Not blaming himself at all, neither for whatever he did at the party. Because probably in no other way he was able help himself if it wasn't drugs.

That was what Jungkook taught him, no lie. Chuckling to that, but the smile faded almost quickly.

The younger was on his thoughts way alots lately. In fact, he started thinking about him even more after barely getting the chance to be with him or even check on him.

But he blamed it on the distance.

He missed him, though.

Jimin was missing Jungkook as if he was a piece of him.

"You're so hot when you do that, so determined to feel every inch of me with your body. So incredibly alluring, baby."

And all the things he used to tell him while making out, seducting him with whispers and that honeyed tone of him; Jimin's eyes closed and he breathed. Such a shame, that he couldn't think of them without feeling his heart race, although his mind though, almost never stopped repeating them. Remembering them clearly, almost all of them.

"We become one when you're in me or vice versa baby, we want to crawl in each others skin and that's written all over your face."

He realized they were too special for him, because neither could he forget any of the looks in those doe eyes. The sultry ones, drowned in lust or even the soft ones, everytime any memory played at the back of his head.

The grasps on eachother's clothes to have eachother as close as possible, and kiss or make love everytime like their first time, so greedily like their passion had no limits.

Jimin's mind was not letting go. Making him yearn for Jungkook's touches and lips to again touch inch by inch of his body, and that alone had the ability to weaken him to think that those hands and lips were all he needed to remain sane.

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