12. Decision

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His footsteps were solid against the wooden floor of his apartment. Jungkook just returned home that evening.

His breathes were ragged, like a sob constricted his throat. His trembling lips dry. Expression openly exasperated.

Right as his eyes fell on his best friend's figure standing near the kitchen counter in the living room's area, with a sharp breath approached him and hugged him.

His eyes burnt with tears and Jimin's were  suddenly confused, worried.

"Let me just.." his words were interrupted with his own shaky breath, hiding his face in Jimin's shoulder, sighing deeply with tears filling his eyes that seeped down.

"Jungkook baby, wha- what happened??"

The man gave no response. The sound of his shallow breathes while tears spilling down his cheeks were speaking for him, making Jimin more worried to gently rub his back.

"I'm here for you. You alright?"

"To be honest? No." He spoke whilst dashing the tears from his own eyes using his shirtsleeve, sniffing, but bursted into a fresh bout of tears anyway, making Jimin's eyes grow misty as he looked at him and brought him back closer, putting his arms back around him tight, "And i couldn't cry at work so,"

"Wh- what happened at work?"

"I talked with Jeongin," Jungkook's arms right there tighten around his best friend's back and inhaled his scent slowly, relaxing a bit more to the kiss Jimin gave him on his temple now as he hugged him gently in his secure embrace,

And glid his hands up to his arms, Jimin stroked them for a moment before eventually pulling back to look up at Jungkook's face and notice him no longer looking like panicking but still tears seeping down his cheeks silently, "Mhm, and?"

Jungkook pulled on his sleeves mindlessly, and with them covering his trembling hands as he took a step back before turning around, immediately making his way to the couch and sat closing his thighs together, placing his palms in between them. "Well," sniffed the man, for a moment not knowing just how to start this and talk about it as Jimin's eyes focused on him sitting there, looking uneasy and shaking, but instead of approaching or anything, went inside the kitchen to make tea for him. That's the first thing he thought it could help Jungkook.

"I'll make tea for you, go on."

"It didn't go too well because I told him what's been going on with me for the past two months and how I feel about him and I."

"And what about him?" Jimin replied from the kitchen, reaching up for the kettle, "Did he tell you too, how he felt about you guys?"

"He did tell me. I was the only one thinking too much as it seems."

Jimin's eyebrows slightly curled in confusion as he was facing away from Jungkook.

That weird, right? Jeongin can't just totally feel nothing about what has been going on with his relationship with Jungkook the last two months. The distance and off and ons. Specially not after he asked Jungkook if he wanted a breakup few days ago, giving the hints he is thinking of a break up himself.

Or maybe that's not what he meant. Jimin tried not judge him at this point.

"He said he went through something similar like me at the beginning," Jungkook poured his words out into quick whispers, "being scared to lose me because of how busy he is,  But now he is almost done with it and that his finals don't let him even think about something like that no more."

Almost made sense.

But Jimin couldn't help but think again,

That Jeongin might be in a battle with himself that he still didn't make it clear if he wanted Jungkook back or not. If he still had feelings or lost them, might just pretending to still be loving Jungkook or he's really just stressed because of his parents and college.

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