6. Take Your Clothes Off

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"Good morning, prince."

Jimin reacted with a grin, using the towel in his hands to dry his face after washing up while Jungkook was in doorway, and soon entered to stand next to Jimin that stood in front of the dressing table's mirror.

"You called all your hoes that?"

Jungkook widened his eyes, surprised, slapping Jimin's ass almost instantly and smirked to the sight of his hips that jolted at that. "You're such a playful mother fucker."

Jimin turned around, giving the man a playful glare, "Who said I'm playing?"

"Oh really, hm?" The tone playful, Jungkook raised his eyebrow, "should i count the hoes you fucked?"

The older rolled his eyes, then softened his expression and with a smile placed his palm on Jungkook's cheek. ⠀"How do you feel today darling?"

"Well, much better as you see."

"Good, I'm glad."

Jungkook smiled with the sight of the smile on Jimin's lips that touched the corners of his mouth and to the caresses of his small thumb against his cheek, "Look how you easily turn from a devil to an angel. You're insane."

Letting out a soft chuckle, Jimin leaned forward, placing his lips on Jungkook's, "It can not be so bad, right?" Whispering right there to close his eyes next and capture those lips for a short kiss, humming in content immediately to the smell of him that came right from his hot skin,⠀ "You showered without me? The audacity Jeon Jungkook."

"You were sleeping and you smell nice anyway, I didn't." Shrugged the younger man.

"Idiot. You really think i wanted to join just to smell as nice?" Jimin replied with a raise of his eyebrow, making Jungkook realize,

Oh. Chuckling. But before he could even respond, he felt Jimin's lips on his again,

A smile formed on his lips and a small smirk at the corner of Jimin's when Jungkook responded quick by lacing his arms around his neck, one hand on the back of his head and pulled him to keep him longer in the kiss.

Feeling him eager, with the way he tilted his head and tried go deeper. Jimin gave him no chance when he took the turn by taking a small breath before clashing his mouth against Jungkook's with much power that caught Jungkook off guards to open his eyes when their tongues connected and swirled in sync.

Just like that with every tilt of their heads, Jimin kissed deep and passionate, before closing his lips around Jungkook's tongue, sucking it a little and allow it slip further into his mouth, permitting with that Jungkook's lips to suck on his upper lip until he left him breathless with little soft moans before pulling back.

"That's so unfair Jimin. Don't make me needy when I almost won."

"Oh, we're just playing again?"

Jungkook chuckled and bit into Jimin's lower lip with a whine. "Aish, no, that's not what i meant. I'm sorry baby. Let me feel those lips on mine."

Jimin's hands glid up to get a hold of Jungkook's head and after Jungkook took a chance bite Jimin on his lip once again, Jimin did as well and both giggled to attach lips with passion afterwards.

Tilting their heads with a smile. Jimin placed smooches on the other's lips few times real quick, looking at them in between since he couldn't refrain from observing how beautiful they looked this close until closing his eyes, pulling Jungkook more into his mouth.

With one hand on Jimin's collar and the other loosely around the neck, Jungkook kissed back as deep with sharp inhales. Leaning more into the kiss with Jimin, eager to feel eachother more through this. Jungkook tugged his best friend further close by pulling his collar and didn't let a second escape from exploring his mouth.

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