2. No Remorse

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There was no remorse in his face.

Jungkook meant the words he said and Jimin just knew that, simply by staring up at those eyes.

They went for another deep kiss almost instantly. Not caring if they had to skip breathes. Jungkook grabbing Jimin's chin, lifting it to combine their lips for a tongue kiss.

Jimin's hands loosened to run up the back of Jungkook's head, resting his elbows on the shoulder to let his fingers slowly play with his hair as he tilted his head to the right side, connecting lips with Jungkook's over and over, smiling while taking few breathes in between.

Soon, Jungkook's hand wrapped Jimin's cock once again and twisted the shaft to make a slick sound, managing to get the other try close his thighs a bit and leak even more out of his tip.

Jimin loved it, though. More than he should. More than he expected himself do. But he couldn't blame himself for that. In his past sexual relationships when he used to be a fuck boy, almost long time ago, Jimin was always the dominant, and the one in full control of everything during the whole pleasuring sex- although, he loved being dominant just as much as he loved being submissive, Jimin still never bottomed for any of his one night stands, nor friends he fucked with, because he could trust none with that side of him. He was just kind of sure he wouldn't be treated the way he wanted as a bottom by any of them. But now, with Jungkook on top, kissing, touching and teasing him where he mostly enjoyed, he could only feel satisfied with his whole body reacting in excitement for Jungkook that he barely could stop squirming in his place. Without even a little bit of hesitation.

He couldn't care, although that man was no one but his close friend with a 'complicated' relationship with someone else.

Jimin wanted this, and wanted it to last as long as possible.

He hissed to the touch on the sensitive tip and pulled away from Jungkook's lips with a smile.


Jungkook chuckled.

After finally Jungkook sitting up on his knees before Jimin, pulling down his own black jeans along with his underwear to get rid of the rest of his clothings, his rock hard cock slapped against his lower abdomen, making him hiss quietly and shift his gaze back to Jimin's face. "I'm so hard for you, oh, Jimin. Look,"

Jimin's lower belly burned with just the sight of that, as he remained laid there with his legs spread, fully naked. The tip of his own cock flushed as he shamelessly scanned Jungkook's muscular chest, abs, slim waist and vline before Jungkook approached crawling, connecting their lower half bodies, making Jimin's lips fall open to release a sigh to the heat of it that sank through him. Immediately holding Jungkook on the sides and started kissing him.

This time the kisses were slow and sweet with short breaks in between. They allowed Jimin calm down to lower down until he felt Jungkook's erection touching his, a lascivious grin appearing on his lips.

Jungkook smiled at that. He stared, coating his index and middle fingers with the precum on the tip of his own length and used them to press on Jimin's entrance.

Jimin's eyes abruptly opened to this new tocuh he missed feeling and a slow gasp left his lips, he moaned, no longer helping to continue with the kisses. He felt a slight tension in his legs before Jungkook lifted one of them and placed it over his shoulder so he could enter him easier. So with that, he didn't hesitate slide both fingers in.

"Fuck!!!" Jimin's hips jolted. He chuckled at his own sudden scream of how painful that was and bit his lip.

"Easy there, relax.."

"You forgot that i wasn't tocuhed in my hole for almost a year now, Jungkook??.." Jimin breathed out and with a quick move he pushed his black hair back. "Ah, Just please.. Fuck!! Jungkook, be patient with me, oh God- it's my first time being fingered, ah!"

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