17. Nothing At All

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The noises of chatter and laughers had no stop.

Smiling face,

Anyone he looked at.

What did he expect of being in a party if they weren't people huddled with friends, dancing or drinking?

A cigar hanged from his lips, Jimin sucked in another lung full of the drug and took it back in between his fingers, pulling it away and with the deep sigh he let out, he released the smoke from his mouth.

The air was filled with it; the aroma of Marijuana he smoked. Jimin looked around himself through his black strands of hair covering his eyes, from where he sat alone on a couch in the large living room with spread legs, one arm on the armrest, lifting it anytime he needed another pull of the drug rolled in the cigar he had in between his fingers.

From the people he knew to the strange ones; most of them crowded this room to dance in the darkness under the mirror balls that were reflecting coloured lights. Dancing and drinking. Some of them, just like him, taking drugs. Few having fun in the pool located behind the glassed doors of the room; and you could find the rest at any corner of the the other rooms, making out.

Definitely not the place Jimin could empty his mind in. But at least being around people, all the noises they made and the sound of music he wouldn't hear his thoughts, even though being surrounded by humans having fun wasn't what he liked when all he felt was,


Parties were too much for Jimin; neither was it his pleasance being on this one tonight. But where could he go away from Jungkook not seeing him in this state? where he looked drained, frustrated and devastated?

Definitely not his his parents' place either because he didn't want to cry his eyes out to sleep from overthinking over nothing.

Not tonight as well, no. Jimin didn't want to feel weak. He hated to feel incapable, weak and empty, specially not because of someone. He despised that, because he didn't want to experience again losing himself for someone.

Being in love was what he was afraid of after losing Yoongi.

Jimin was sure what he felt for Jungkook was only attachment and addiction, although he'd have let himself fall for Jungkook. But how could he think of it a second, knowing Jungkook belonged to someone else?

Not when his biggest fear was disappointments.

Jimin sniffed whilst rubbing his nose with his thumb, refusing to let go of the cigar or stop smoking unless his restless mind calm down.

But being out of Jungkook's apartment felt good for once.

The place where he found most comfort in, no longer was comfortable.

It became toxic after Jeongin would appear anytime of the day and spend it with him alone there, handle the awkwardness, those unreadable looks of him until evening when Jungkook's back from work and so it was time for him to often hide in the pet's room and avoid himself third wheeling.

The days Jeongin didn't bother to visit Jungkook were almost no difference.

Since the couples retuned to be couples again almost everything changed. Jimin could barely spent time with his friend no more.

The dinner time only Jimin could say. Where he was able talk with him or watch with him a movie. Nothing special such as cuddling close or teasing eachother.

Of course, as expected.

Jimin couldn't say Jungkook was avoiding him to not make the same mistake he did two years ago. Because Jimin trusted Jungkook's feelings towards his boyfriend. But Jungkook was hard to read. Jimin found it impossible to figure out what he was feeling about them and their passionate friends with benefits relationship.

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