4. Addicting Touch

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Jungkook gasped softly when Jimin clawed at his cheeks.

But he didn't care to move an inch, neither did he want to, once he was settled on his lap and their lips touched.

He just brought his own hips closer to Jimin's, straddled his lap, tilting his head and allowed Jimin's lips to press onto his.

Even tho it was only for a short moment, Jungkook kissed back. But since he didn't have enough by just that, he pulled Jimin closer by his nape till their breath met and looked into his eyes. Jimin's heart stepped up to that and his hands held his sides as Jungkook was slowly wrapping his legs around him.

The next second to slam his lips upon Jimin's greedily and make out with him without an inch space in between their hips when all he did was scooting close over Jimin's thighs.

Heat raised within their bodies, Jungkook's fingers entangled Jimin's black hair, tugging him more into his mouth and caused wet sounds to fill the room in a second with their eyes half open.

In between their snog, Jungkook and Jimin tried catching their breath, even though the younger couldn't help but have more and feel himself getting lost in the taste of Jimin's sweetness the more he used his hot tongue inside his mouth and sucked on his lips.

Jungkook was drowning himself in the sensation, biting onto Jimin's lip, and teasingly pull it, only to kiss him more.

Eventually Jimin shot his head back when Jungkook was grinding his lower body on his hips and gasped for a breath of air, a little smile on his lips. "Stop now and don't arouse me further."

"And if i do?"

Jimin had no answer. He only stared up Jungkook's smiling eyes and let out a short quiet chuckle.

"You're still sore?"

Jimin rolled his eyes. "At least i can walk- thanks for asking, Jungkook."

Right after Jungkook responded with a chuckle, he smiled and used his thumb and index fingers to lead Jimin's chin a bit up, then while he kept his eyes on his plump full lips, teasingly set pecks on the edge of them, slowly kissing him again with a soft muffled moan.

His other hand again, on the back of his head. It drew Jimin even closer and his own hand tilted again to deepen their kiss passionately.

Not planning to let Jimin breathe any soon as he started eating his lips, loving every second of it. Jungkook next, pressed his torso against Jimin's, his teeth pulling on his tongue involuntary till his hand moved from the chin to the jaw, playing with his tongue using his and feel drools run down the edge of his lips the more he made out with his friend relentlessly.

His slow pants fading against his wet swollen flesh, giving him no choice but to respond.

Jimin couldn't mind any of it, though.

In fact, Jungkook's scent and the touch of his hands overwhelmed him in a complete beautiful way that he loved, and his hot kisses were setting fire to him, hotter than he had ever experienced; returning every single kiss with passion, Jimin kept their lips in a strong contact as his hands were lost in between holding Jungkook's waist or face, unable to choose a spot since he was somehow lost in a haze of heat and desires, of this hot moment where Jungkook made out with him in total lust, as if he wanted to devour him by kissing him hard and harder. So they roamed all over Jungkook's body, longing for just a hard grasp anywhere on him.

The older couldn't even focus on how wet their lips became but the way Jungkook kissed him perfectly that was capable of driving him crazy.

Meeting eachother after a day now. But they were behaving like couples seeing eachother after long days.

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