14. Adorably Hot

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The tissue papers' box were now beside them on the bed over the blanket they both sat on.

Jimin grabbed his tank top from the sides, pulling it out of himself as he already had his pants and so the underwear off by now then sat where he was, right on his best friend's thighs where he straddled him.

Their eyes latched onto one another again with a soft smile on both of their mouth and Jimin bent his head, placing few sweet kisses over the center of Jungkook's chest.

Jungkook couldn't keep his hands to himself, specially from the way both of Jimin's small palms and all his fingers were running up the sides of his broad muscular body frame.

The warmth of it, though, felt like magnet to Jimin's hands that he held back the urge of wanting to undress Jungkook completely yet and instead spent another minute touching him, knowing the fact his cock won't handle being caged longer inside his pants anyway. Simply because Jimin's revealed one was settled over it.

Jungkook gulped, leaning his weight on his own elbows, eyes still glued on Jimin. He watched his face pressed against his skin, lips kissing him along with hands of his stroking up his ribs and he poked his tongue against his inner cheek, not knowing what to expect of that but soon presenting him a soft moan when the tongue flickered against his skin for a wet kiss.

And fuck, Jungkook tasted so irresistible; so eagerly his hot tounge trailed down from the center of his chest to his lower belly, sending a spasm of chills race down the younger man's spine and caused him to breathe out and loosen himself to lay on his back. Yet, just almost unable to avert his gaze from him.

His erection from underneath his pants was obvious now, Jungkook put out a little whine to the hot flesh and breathe of Jimin's meeting his lower region once his face was located at his lower belly and quickly took a handful of his hair in his fist right as he felt his lips pressing a kiss for him over there.

Again he gulped, curious what Jimin wanted to do. The always impatient one he was. But no lie, Jungkook started to actually adore his friend's gentle behavior with him everytime before trying anything with him.

He noticed how that was able to relax him and at the same time turn him on more. But a little he smirked to the fact that with that action Jimin was permitting himself with more approval until making him desperate.

Jungkook knew him.

Such a tease.

But it was about that mutual comfort both gifted eachother no matter how rough they craved it.

They understood eachother perfectly, and it was totally beautiful that as switchers, none had to ask for a permission or pick positions before trying anything in bed.

Like right here Jungkook giving Jimin the opportunity to take the control over him, without having to tell him things like what he wanted him do to him.

Jimin was happy about it. That with Jungkook, he didn't have to think of what to do or how to behave. Neither as a bottom.

"Appreciate that I'm not turning tables right now, because you're looking pretty fuckable." Jungkook uttered with a teasing tone, sucking on his own lip.

"We will see, pretty boy." replied with confidence the older and smirked at the sight of Jungkook's sultry gaze that screamed 'desperate for more touch' then stopped to sit straight, moving a little back and grabbing a hold of the waistband of Jungkook's pants along with the underwear; gently tugging them down to his thighs and as soon as his cock sprung out, Jimin scooted back close to it, allowing with that Jungkook to undress himself completely.

"You're looking adorably hot, darling."⠀A moment of Jimin's eyes latching over the other man's whole expression licking his own lips and shifted his attention to their lengths both standing hard against their own skin.

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