19. You Tortured Him

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Warm tiny droplets of water dripped from the shower head on his face and body.

The steam keeping him warm. His eyes were closed. The back of his head and his shouldes rested against the cold wall of the bathroom. His right hand was on the center of his breathing chest, and his stomach was for some reasons contracting and twisting into a knot as he sat under the shower, later that day in the evening.

He refused to open his eyes and lower his gaze to look at where his left hand was.

Because Jimin felt filthy for what it was making him do. He couldn't bring himself see his palm was holding his length and fondling the sides of it.

This reminded him of the stimulation and excitation he felt the time he turned his face away in shyness from Jungkook in their first time in bed as his hand was the same place as it was now and jerked off while the younger man was on top of him, hitting on his undersides and kissing him with so much passion. But it was the shame he felt now, to be doing this with the thought of it.

He never felt such thing before. To be too aroused to be in need of pleasuring himself with the thought of someone. But that mother fucker Jeon- 

Ugh. He huffed. His thumb brushed over the tip of his cock every few seconds while fondling the length with the underside of his palm, feeling more ashamed of himself to be whimpering to that and breathing heavier.

He tried. Oh lord, he really tried not think of doing this. But he gave in to his desire so easily once he got naked to shower, because in his mind, there was the image of Jungkook's body against his and his hands on his waist, grabbing him.

Brushing his free index and middle fingertips along his lips to feel the longing for the press of Jungkook's on them and huffed again to pridelessly let his hand provoke his arousal even more by sliding his hand up and down the sides of the shaft and feel it growing harder.

Jimin's eyes closed once again and all he saw was Jungkook's naked body pressed against his. His head tilted back to press against the wall and his thumb along with the index fingers circled around the tip of his cock and squeezed moving his hand up and down the sides of his thickness with a little pace. Jimin reacted more to the thought and the feeling by giving off short gasps to fill the bathroom along with the sound of the water hitting the ground.

He began to humm, arching his back. His body tensed to the sensation and all the muscles in his thighs loosened to the feeling.

He couldn't focus on a single image, though. A moment he imagined Jungkook's mouth on his ear, breathing hot, and the other moment that mouth would be around his tip where he cupped, sucking him off like the first time.

Jimin's skin grew red beneath the warm water droplets that kept falling on him. To next imagine his friend clashing against his pelvis with his size and hear the sound of his deep growls in his head was what pushed Jimin to tighten his grip around his cock and start going faster. Those imaginations weakened him second after another, that his hips too began moving in sync with his hand movements, becoming more desperate.

To be doing this with himself and the thought of Jungkook, brought back the frustration he felt earlier to be turned on by his nearness. But he avoided it by squeezing his eyes shut and sinking his teeth into his lower lip jerking off faster and moaning into a deep low growl.

He didn't think he'd be able handle the shame or guilt to remember himself in this state later, but Jimin couldn't care less now.

He could only hope for this to finish quick, although it wasn't enough to totally satisfy him, since it was self pleasuring after all.

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