5. I Need You

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Jungkook returned to his apartment after work, irritated.

He didn't look like he wanted to break something, scream or cry, though. Neither did his expression showed any sign of anger.

But very drained. The headache was making him want to close his eyes in hope of falling asleep and not feel it in the morning, although at times like that, Jungkook wished to not wake up the next morning.

But luckily tomorrow was Sunday, a day off.

However, Jungkook was used to coming home frustrated or even traumatized.

Because for god sake!

Pressure at work sometimes can be insane and not always he could bear with it.

Jungkook groaned, annoyed. A little disappointed with himself for being pain in the ass to his teamwork today,

but damn it to hell! He didn't want to even think to care about that now.

Currently he couldn't give two fucks about nothing.

Once entering his apartment home, Jungkook thought of a quick shower to help ease his anguish. However, he realized he can't even make a single effort, because as soon as he closed the door, he wanted nothing but to put his ass down in hope of cooling off and relaxing.

Just so he could at least fall asleep easier. Because at this point, Jungkook was walking in as if he just came back from death.

The man let out a long sigh and went towards the kitchen sink, washing his tired face with cold water before running his wet fingers through his locks, pushing his hair back and his bangs behind his ears, exhaling.

Jungkook couldn't get a reason why he felt like he was fuming inside. But of course, he blamed it all on his job.

And what could help him ease all that were alcoholic drinks and cigarettes. However, Jungkook was afraid once he start drinking or smoking out of anger or frustration, he won't stop doing it everytime and might quickly fall back into his old habits.

He didn't want that. No because Jungkook worked so hard on his health.

Nonetheless, he sat on the chair at the dining table after pouring himself one glass of wine and sat there taking slow sips with his cheek resting on his palm.

Jungkook remained quiet there for minutes and minutes, drinking carefully with that pose, in deep silence that stimulated his mind and called forth the spontaneous expression of his own thoughts as he stared into space, tired eyes and pale face.

Eventually after another long minutes he sighed and picked his phone off the table, opening his Instagram's direct messages.

New unopened messages.

None from Jeongin, as expected.

But a little did Jungkook hope..

Sighed the man once more, scrolling back up his DMs and there was Jimin's, opened and left on seen on Tuesday.

And today was Saturday.

That was for sure not on purpose, but Jungkook felt bad, though.

Opening his stories. There Jimin was out with his friends hanging out hours ago.

He must have been having so much fun.

That big smile on his face,

Oh, as much as Jungkook missed that adorable and charming smile, he started to be a little jealous as well.

Because Jimin was different.

Unlike him, Jimin lived a free life. Without having to worry about the ways for making money to live, since he had the full financial support of his parents with his bills, food, clothings and everything that comes along.

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