Chapter four

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"its always to people you don't expect" fez slurred as he held out to joint to Savannah. However she shook her head, not wanting to smoke his weed because she felt bad for some reason.

it was around 12, and fez and Savannah had been awake watching the news and The Hobbit. Ash still hadn't woken up and Savannah tried over and over again to get ahold of Blaise.

"thanks for letting me stay fez," Savanah sighed as she started putting her shoes on "but I think I should go"

"alr, if you need anything- you know where to find us"

Savanah didn't know if she should wake ash and say bye, so she just deiced to have fez tell him 'thank you'

Ashtray tiredly walked out of his room while rubbing his eyes. Groaning, he sat down next to fez and noticed Savannah wasn't there.

"wheres Savanah?" ash asked

"oh she left, she told me to tell you thank you"

ash sighed and bit the inside of cheek.

"what time did she leave?"

Fez inhaled the smoke and thought of a comment "around 12 ish"

Ashtray looked over to where Savanah slept and saw the blanket folded with the pillow on top.

Savanah walked down her street in the middle of the road, kicking a rock carelessly.

As Savanah arrived at her house, her heart immediately dropped when she didn't see her brothers car out front. he's always home, especially in the morning.

starting to panic, she ran up the drive way and to the doorstep, going to open the door but it was locked

"blaise!" she yelled, banging on the door. Savanah stood on her tippy toes and looked through the door window, seeing nothing.

literally nothing.

their shit they had was gone. Books. Framed photos. The TV. Their moms old record player. everything.. gone.

the only thing was the furniture, and that was covered with a white cloth.

"blaise!" her voice echoed throughout the house "blaise this isn't funny open the fucking door!"

Savannah sighed in defeat, excepting that Blaise wasn't there.

She ran off the doorstep and behind the house, climbing up a tree and onto the roof where she struggled to open her widow which was locked

"shit" Savanah bit her lip, reaching for a tree branch that laid in the gutter

Savanah held up the thick stick and hit it against the lock, scrunching up her face to brace herself.

she threw the stick and opened her window, pushing the white curtains out of the way and jumping into her room. Her mouth slightly dropped when everything in her room wasn't their, except her bare bed. Savannah slowly walked further into her room.

"no no no no" she mumbled running out of her room to the hall where she looked over the railing of her two story house.

It was dark, cold and empty.

she stared down at the floor over the railing as tears started forming into her eyes which she quickly chocked down.

Savanah immediately pulled out her phone and tracked her brothers location, because when living in a drug dealing life, you can never be too careful.

Savanahs eyes slightly widened, refreshing the app to double check if the location was correct.

"what the fuck..."

This chap was really boring.

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