Chapter eleven

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The two finished up stuffing all the cash into savanahs back pack before heading over to the gas station.

"Ok so why is there 100 grand under your house and why dose he need it?" Ash asked leaning against the table where pounds of drugs laid

"I don't know I'm just gonna ask" Savanah anxiously asked as she threw her backpack (which had all the money in) on the ground and plopped onto the couch.

"What are you gonna say?" Ash asked seeing savanah typing with shaking hands

"I said 'I found the money, 100 grand. Who are you with and why do you need this money that you've kept from me'" Savanah looked up at ash who bit his lip in thought

"He's typing" she added, her leg bouncing up in down "he said he couldn't talk but go to the address 304 woodspond ave at 11 pm tonight"

"No way your going, right?"

Savanah looked up at him before shrugging

"Sav" ash said sternly

"Ok, ok" sav sighed "I'll figure something else out with him"

"Good" ash stood up and went around the table, sitting down on his chair and started bagging up drugs.

'I'll be there at 11.'

Savanab turned off her phone and put her elbows on her knees, taking a deep breath as she ran her fingers throgh her hair "I'm gonna go" she sighed beofre getting up and slinging the back pack onto her shoulders

"See ya" ash mumbled.

Savanah laid on ashtrays bed, staring at all the money that was piled on the sheets.

"Oh Blaise what have you gotten into" she mumbled under her breath

It was around 10 pm and ashtray and fez still weren't back. Savanah knew ash would be pissed if she went, but kinda didn't care cause this could help with whatever Blaise got got up with.

Savanah sighed before picking up her phone to call ash

"Hey Ma what's up?" Ashtrays voice echoed through the phone

"I'm gonna go to...the gym so I probably wont be back till later" Savanah mentally groned from the lie.

"Oh ok, promise me your not gonna go to that address?"

"Fuck" Savanah whispered before holding gun fingers up to her head and falling onto her back as if she shot herself


"Yes yes I know I know," she answered "I'll see you tonight"

"Ok be safe I guess"

Savanah heard him sigh into the phone "I will"


"See ya"

She checked the time before she threw her phone onto the bed and covered her face with her hands.

"God im a shitty person" Savanah talked to herself while walking down a dark unfamiliar street, glancing at her phoen to make sure she's going the right way.

She kept texting the number Blaise gave her but the number seemed to be blocked. Weird asf.

The faster she walked the faster she got towards the destination that the map led her to

"The fuck?" She breathed out, standing in front of an old apartment complex, she began walking towards the gate when a big hand with a glove wrapped around it covered her mouth and pulled her into a big man's chest. Her screams muffled against the black cloth as the man's heavy steps went up the staircase, soonly entering a small room that has the number 19 on it

She tried to fight back but the man's grip got harder and harder until she got slammed against the apartment wall by her throat

"Where's the money" the man yelled in her face.

"Get off of me!" Savanah yelled and pushed the guy off

"Client back up. " anther voice ordered

Savanah breathed through her teeth as another figure came from the shadow.

"Was that necessary?" She questioned, tightening her grip on the backpack that carrried the cash.

"We don't want any more trouble, just the money we were promised"

The guy was tall and skinny, didn't scare sav more then the body guard. But what scared her more was she was vulnerable. These men knew who she was, and she knew that.

Savanah let her Shockley hang low so the bag fell off and into her hands

"Here." She gave the skinny man a blank look as she held out the backpack "100 grand right here."

The man snatched the back and dumped all the cash onto the table.

"I want you to tell me why my brother is where he is" Savanah ordered, walking up behind him as he counted the cash.

"Sweetie I don't know what to tell you then" the guy laughed and turned around to face her "maybe he had a good reason leaving with out you..."


The guy stared blankly at her "there's only 98 grande here."

"What?! Count again."

The guy scoffed and rubbed his beard "no, there's only 98 grand"

"Fucks sake I gave you the money my brother had for what ever reason I don't care. I'm out of here" she began to turn around but bumped into the body guard behind her that blocked the door.


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