Chapter seven

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for the past week Ashtray and Savannah did nothing except smoke some weed in his room and play clash royal. Sounds like the life right?  Ashtray did his best (which was a really good job) to get Blaise off Savannah's mind. During the day at least. Savannah did all the overthinking at night anyways. She would lay awake at night wondering why Blaise was ignoring her and why was he in Italy? And why was everything gone in their house?

"bro yo literally suck" Savannah laughed as she reached for the phone but ashtray held it away from her reach as best as he could "give me the phone!"

"let me finish Savy" ashtray laughed. However Savannah snatched the phone of  his hands and started playing.

"go for the little buildings first, so then you can use all your power on the big one" savannah said as she played. From time to time, bringing the joint to her lips and inhaling deeply Before turning her head to the side so the smoke won't blur her vision of the phone

"your so pretty" ashtray blurted out.

Savanah laughed and furrowed her eyebrows, looking into his red eyes "your so high right now"

ashtrays smile slightly fell "I- yeah I guess your right"

ashtray continued looking over Savannah shoulder as she played when fez came into the living room "y'all wanna come down to the gas station wit me?"

Ashtray looked over a Savannah with raised eyebrows

"yeah of course brother, thats the least I could do" Savannah glanced up at fez

"yeah right, hanging out with ashtray and keeping him occupied is helpful enough" fez chuckled, before running out of the room when ashtray threw a pillow at him.

"come on asstray" Savanah jumped up off the couch and grabbed onto ashtrays hand, dragging him with her.

"dont call me that" ash mumbled.

Savannah sat on a wooden chair next to ash with her legs drapped over his lap, which he kept pushing them off until he gave up.

"you got any strawberry rolling paper?" Savannah asked. Ashtray slightly rolled his eyes and threw her a bag full of it

"your my hero" Savanah sighed, starting to roll the joint

ashtray watched as Savanah rolled the joint, licking it sealed and immediately lighting it.

"do the thing" ashtray smirked.

Savanah playfully rolled her eyes before inhaling the smoke. A smirk played  on his face as Savannah blew smoke out of her mouth and into her nose.

"thats so hot' ash laughed

"woah, at least take me to dinner first PlayBoy" Savannah laughed as she coughed out smoke. The two continued passing the joint back and forth when a tall figure on the other side of the freezer entered the gas station.

"we should by some spray paint and go raid the highschool" ash laughed  as he gripped onto Savannahs leg that were still drapped over his lap

"dont test me," Savannah laughed "last time I had access to spray paint it started getting to my head and a cop came up to me and I was high as fuck. I was in the police station for like 2 days before blaise noticed I was missing"

Savannah threw her head back trying to catch her breath when ashtray pushed her legs off of his lap and stood up, reaching up into some cupboards and receiving a lucky charms cereal.

"what are you doi-"

"be quiet" ashtray hissed as he held the gun up towards the glass door of the freezer. Savannahs eyes followed his gazed and noticed Fez and some man glaring at each other sightly.

the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a 20 dollar bill "just a concerned father.."

he turned around and walked away.

Savannah slightly scoffed as a smile played on her face before exiting the freezer and following fez outside as the black truck sped off.

"shit" fez slurred as his hands came behind his head

"who was that?" Savannah asked

"that savy, was the father of one of the biggest dicks in east highland" ash sighed, standing behind her.


"nate jacobs..that was cal jacobs, his dad."

"nate?" Savannah mutter under breath, the name unfortunately sounding awfully familiar.

"yeah," ash looked down at her as she looked lost in though "you know em?"

A sudden memory or flashback came to Savannah


"whats your name?"



Savannah looked up at nate as he took a sip of his beer

"well savannah, you need a ride home?"

Savannah's breathing started picking up when the scenery of where they were started becoming unfamiliar


"n-no, I just might've heard it from the New Years party-or something" Savannah crossed her arms awkwardly, feeling fez's and Ashtray eyes on her as if she was hiding something. 

and she was...

I mean she wasn't entirely lying, she did hear maddy yell his name when in the bathroom at the New Years party...but there was definitely something else she was not telling them.

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