Chapter ten

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this contains mature subjects that might be uncomfortable for some readers

"Blaise?" her voice cracked a little bit as she sat in the bathtub with her legs over the side

"yea" he said in guilt

"where the fuck have you been?!" she yelled

"I-i can't explain right now I-"

"thats the least you can do after leaving me without at word" she scoffed, with an angry laugh

"I know I know and im sorry, but I have to tell you something"

"and what is that?" she said rolling her eyes

"I need you to go to the house and in my r-"

"what house ?" she said sarcastically pretending to not know "because last time I check there was nothing there"

"Savannah" Blaise said sternly into the phone "I know your pissed at me right now and I get it, but I need you to listen to me"

Savannah sighed and closed her eyes "this is unbelievable" her laughed echoed through the bathroom

"listen to me!" Blaise yelled "go back home. Go to my room, and under the bed, there's gonna be a loose floor bored. Open it and there's gonna be a safe. The number is 749230, there's money in there. Once you get the money call me at 076340909. don't call this number back"

Savannah opened her mouth to say somthing but he hung up.

"749230" she whispered to herself. Opening her notes  and immediately writing down the numbers so she wouldn't forget.

Savannah quickly got out of the bathtub and opened to door, startled by ashtray who was about to knock

"you okay?" he asked, letting his hand hang down by his side.

"yea, I need to run an errand"

Shen walked past him but he grabbed onto her wrist "can I come?"

"so why are we going to your house?" ashtray asked as the two walked down the street

"I need to grab something"

"grab what-"

"ashtray" she said turning around to face him "no questions right now"

ashtray nodded feeling Savannahs hand intertwined with his.

the two walked around the house and climbed up the tree onto the roof. Savanah opened her window and jumped into he room, followed by ashtray.

"come with me" Savannah pulled him out the room and into Blaises room.

ashtray watched as Savannah moved the bed to the other side of the room without any struggled. She lifted up a floor bored, then another, then another before one came up. 

Ashtray bent down next to Savannah as s smile crept onto her face

"can you help me take this out?" Savannah muttered as shrugged to lifted it from inside the floorboard

Ashtray  and savannah lifted the safe up on the count of three

"fuck" ashtray groaned as his muscles slightly shook.

"that thing is fucking heavy" savannah breathed heavily, her head hanging low in tiredness

"whats the code?" ash asked

Savannah thought for a moment before putting it in hesitantly  "749230" she said under her breath, praying it worked.  She let out a sigh of relief when it unlocked.

Savannah opened the door, hers and ashtrays as immediately widening when there were stacks of money filling it.

"holy shit" ashtray started at the money as Savannah took a small stack out and ran her finger over to bills, making a zipping noise

"how much is in there?" ash questioned

"lets find out"

the two took all the money out of the safe and started counting, putting each different bill in a different pile.

"100 grand" Savannah said, setting the last 100 dollar bill down "holy fuckig shit!"

"why is this here?" ash asked, trying to read Savannahs face.

"I have no...idea. Blaise didn't tell me"

"what you talked to blaise?" ash ask

"yeah an unknown caller called me and it was him. He told me to get the money and call some number he gave me not to call the number back."

ashtray rested his arm on his knee that was puled into hs chest as the two sat in the middle of the room with all the money laid out infront of them.

"did he tell you why he is in Italy"

"nope, but im gonna find out" she sighed "but for now..." she trailed off and put a couple hundreds in her back pocket

Savannah looked up at ashtray, his eyes flickered down to her lips as his hand hesitantly lifted up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"you remember last week when I told you were pretty?" ash asked just above a whisper


"you were right, I was high"

Savanahs face slightly dropped in disappointment

"your not pretty, your fucking gorgeous"

Blush crept onto Savanahs face as his thumb grazed agaisnt her cheek. He scooted himself closer to her before slowly contacting their lips that last a good 10 seconds before they pulled away. They looked at eachther before Savannah pull him Back in by the coller of his white shirt that hugged his body perfectly. Their lips moved in sync as ashtrays hand squeezed Savannahs thigh that drapped over his lap.

"ive known you for only a month and im crazy about you" ashtray breathed heavily against her lips. HIs tongue glided across her lips before entering her mouth smoothly.

Ashtay slowly pushed her down until her back hit the ground, hovering over her so his knee was in-between her legs.

their lips continued moving in sync when Savannah felt ashtray hold  her waist, his hand slowly unbuttoning her shorts. His hand started inching into her pants slowly before savannah grabbed his wrist

"lets not get to excited" Savannah slightly chuckled, cupping his face and giving him one last kiss before moving out from under him.

Savannah started putting the cash into her backpack when she felt his dangerous stare on her

"stop looking at me creep" she joked making ashtray laugh and help her pick up the cash...

"stop looking at me creep" she joked making ashtray laugh and help her pick up the cash

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y'all vote and comment! might've rushed it but hope y'all liked this chapter!

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