Chapter twelve

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"Where's the rest of the money"

Savanahs eyebrows rose

"W-what?" She stuttered, now the feeling of the money she took how's bugging her from inside the waistline of her jeans. There was a moment of silence beofre she punched him in the face and elbowed the body gaurd in the crotch

"Fuck!" He yelled holding onto his nose that dripped of blood

Savannah took this opportunity to quickly unlock the door and run out, holding onto the railing so she wouldn't trip down the stairs of the crappy apartment.

"I'll make your life a living hell!" Savannah turned around to see the two guys running to thier car and jumping into it.

"Good job sav" Savannah whispered to herself under he r breath beofre running and climbing over the metal fence.

She quickly turned the corner, her shoulder brushing against the bushes and her feet slipping from under her from the moist concrete that was created by humidity.

"Ah slut fuck" she muttered from the pain of her hip hitting the concrete and the careless acts.

The sound of tires squeaking on the ground grew louder so she quickly stood back up and continued running however she caught herself hopping and holding her hip in pain.

Sav knew she couldn't outrun these guys but she knew she could outsmart them at least. She noticed she had passed a restaurant that didn't seem to be busy, however she would have to turn around and run towards the men in the car.

"Nothing to lose" she thought

She huffed before turning about and running as fast as she could until she say the black car which had the men in it. But before they could stop the car she hopped the small wooden fence that blocked of the restaurant parking lot.

"Damn it!" The man yelled

Once sav made it to the restaurant door and closed her eyes and took a deep breath before walking into the restaurant

"Hi! Welcome, how may we help you?" The host widely smiled at her, making sav slightly uncomfortable.

"Could I just use your bathroom?" Sav asled

"No I'm sorry, our bathroom isn't for the public unless they are dining-"

"Savannah Sanchez?" A women's voice echoed from the other side of the restaurant

Fuck me.

"I thought that was you!" Nate's mom smiled and opened her arms

"Hi Mrs. Jacobs" sav awkwardly smiled still grasping onto her hip

"How have you been honey?"

Sav look over mrs. Jacobs shoudler to see Nate and cal staring right at her

"I've been good- I was actually just leaving so-"

"No don't be silly, come sit with us" Mrs. Jacobs tugged on her arm

"No really it's fine" sav shook her head however she already found herself getting sat next to Mrs. Jacobs. However across from Nate and cal.

"Do you guys remeber Savannah Sanchez?"

"Yes hun" cal mumbled

"Sav and Nate, do you guys REMEBER when Angie babysat you but got traumatized cause you locked her outside of her house?"

Savannahs moms name made her stomach twist in knots at the sound. It glided over Mrs. Jacobs tounge so easily.

"Yes mom" Nate looked at savannah as she softly glared at him.

"Fun times"

Mrs. Jacobs looked back and forth at sav and Nate before commenting "so what have you been up to?"

"Yea, what have you been up to" Nate smiled as he drank out of the fine glass.

"Nothing much" she shrugged looking down at her lap as her fingers played with eachother.

"How's your brother?" Mrs. Jacobs chimed in


"He's alright"

"You know I haven't been seeing him around lately" Nate knew how to get under her skin. However sav didn't know how tf he knew what was happening in her life.

"He's been going...through some things"


"Oh no! What's wrong? Could I help with anything?"

"No! It's ok, it's ok. We are working through it."

"I've seen you made some friends" Nate added. Ashtray and fez. Oh fuck.

"Yea, I did actually" sav sat up straighter, feeling the need to pretend she has power over him. Something with Nate's dumbass smirk and words pisses her off.

Or turned on.

"I've seen you got into some tuff stuff, what happened to your face? Did you loose?" Yes he lost. But a soft smile started forming on save face the minute steam started coming out his ears and nose.

"Can I talk to you?" Nate asked

"No" sav sat back in the booth

However, nate quickly got up and grabbed her arm and lead her to the family bathroom.

However, nate quickly got up and grabbed her arm and lead her to the family bathroom

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