Chapter five

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Savanahs mom wasn't the best mom ever. She had her flaws. However she wasn't a horrible mom. At least Savanah would like to think that. Her mom used a lot alcohol to cope with the loss of Savanahs dad. After the loss of her dad, her mom got diagnosed with Breast cancer.  The doctors put her on a bunch of pills and a few years after she got clear, they didn't know she was addict until she ran out of the pills. Savannah was 13. Further more, her mom got into heavier drugs.

When savanah was 13,  blaise was 17.  Their mom dissapeared for the first time and defiantly not the last. She was  gone for a week without a word. No note, not text..and defiantly no phone call.   Everytime she disappeared, she was gone longer. The two didnt know where and why she left like she did. However, they had their theorys, but when she came back she was always shit faced or high. Everytime she came back, Blaise and Savanah would carry her to the couch or bed...

flashback when Savanah was 13

Savanah shot up from her bed when she heard someone stumbling through the house. Savanah ran out of her room and shook Blaise awake.

"mom is back..." Savanah mumbled with droopy eyes

"fucking mom" Blaise hissed as he shot out of bed and intertwined his hand with Savannah's

"hey kids" their mom slurred, leaning against the table

"been a hot minute, don't you think?" blaise asked with a slight glare

"yea yea" her mom shrugged "take me to bed will yea?"

Savanah looked up at blaise before both of them wrapped their arms around their moms body, carrying her up there stairs and flopping her carefully onto the bed. Savanah was about to walk away when her mom grabbed her wrist, pulling her back

"I love you, you know that?" her mom slurred as her eyes fluttered shut

"y-yea" Savanahs voice cracked as her lip quivered

"im- im gonna try better"

Blaise and Savanah knew that wasn't true, because she says it every time and dont stick to her word. Blaise took Savanah out of the room as tears ran down her face.

end of flashback

after a few years of dealing with that..their mom left again. They both thought she would come back, but she didn't, and still hasn't. Savanah knows she never will,  However  she also wouldn't put it past her to just show up randomly thinking she could come back into Savanahs and Blaise life.

After as least 2 hours of walking aimlessly around town thinking about what the hell she was gonna do, she finally decided to go back to Ash. Which she felt bad for.

but it was kinda to late, she had beet standing on his front porch for about 10 minutes, thinking if she should go to Laurie's or just knock on the door

Savanah didn't know why she couldn't just easily knock on the door and ask if she could stay, there was just something holding her back.

"fuck it" Savannah mentally shrugged before knocking on the door, tapping her foot on the ground anxiously before the door opens, revealing...fez.

"yo Ash it's Savanah!" fez yelled.

ashtray came out from behind him and pushed fez out of the way, which he just walked away

"hey" Savanahs breath was shaky

"hi, are you okay?" ashtrays face dropped when he noticed tears forming in her eyes.

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